MCQ Quiz on PM Narendra Modi in Hindi: Gk in hindi – प्रधानमंत्री मोदी के बारे में आप कितना जानते हैं? चेक करें अपनी नॉलेज. GK Modi. Study Point. gk in English Gk India. All Exam In GK
PM: GK- Modi
Narendra Modi was elected the 18th Prime Minister of India in the 2014 general elections. He was born on 17 September 1950 in Vadnagar. He started his political career as a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and then held the position of Prime Minister from 2014 to present. Gk All Group, GK All Group. GK in Hindi. GK Modi or Current Affairs GK. PM News GK. GK
Q.253. Which of the following is NOT a project inaugurated by the Prime Minister in Navsari, Gujarat?
Q.253. निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी परियोजना नवसारी, गुजरात में प्रधान मंत्री द्वारा उद्घाटन नहीं की गई है?
- A). Vadodara Mumbai Expressway
- B). Rural drinking water supply project in Tapi
- C). Underground drainage project in Bharuch
- D). Construction of Bharuch-Dahej access controlled expressway
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Answer:- C). Underground drainage project in Bharuch
Q.254. What is the significance of the projects inaugurated by the Prime Minister related to tourism and spiritual tourism in Varanasi?
Q.254. प्रधानमंत्री ने वाराणसी में पर्यटन और आध्यात्मिक पर्यटन से जुड़ी जिन परियोजनाओं का उद्घाटन किया, उनका क्या महत्व है?
- A). Enhancement of Ganges tourism
- B). Improvement of Ayodhya’s tourism infrastructure
- C). Strengthening Varanasi’s position as a spiritual destination
- D). All of the above
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Answer:- D). All of the above
Q.255. Which project inaugurated by the Prime Minister in Varanasi aims to provide impetus to the famous textile sector of the region?
Q.255. प्रधानमंत्री द्वारा वाराणसी में किस परियोजना का उद्घाटन किया गया जिसका उद्देश्य क्षेत्र के प्रसिद्ध कपड़ा क्षेत्र को प्रोत्साहन प्रदान करना है?
- A). National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT)
- B). Sigra Sports Stadium Phase-1
- C). District Rifle Shooting Range
- D). National Centre of Ageing at BHU
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Answer:- A). National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT)
Q.256. What recent amendment has been approved by the Union Cabinet regarding Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) policy in the space sector?
Q.256. अंतरिक्ष क्षेत्र में प्रत्यक्ष विदेशी निवेश (FDI) नीति के संबंध में केंद्रीय मंत्रिमंडल ने किस हालिया संशोधन को मंजूरी दी है?
- A). Amendment in the Indian Space Policy 2023
- B). Easing of FDI policy on space sector
- C). Establishment of Spaceports for launching spacecraft
- D). Setting up manufacturing facilities for satellites
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Answer:- B). Easing of FDI policy on space sector
Q.257. What is the key aim of the Indian Space Policy 2023?
Q.257. भारतीय अंतरिक्ष नीति 2023 का मुख्य उद्देश्य क्या है?
- A). To restrict private participation in the space sector
- B). To limit foreign investment in satellite manufacturing
- C). To enhance private participation and unlock India’s potential in the space sector
- D). To establish government monopoly in space technology development
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Answer:- C).To enhance private participation and unlock India’s potential in the space sector
Q.258. What is the entry route for foreign investment in the manufacturing and operation of satellites?
Q.258. उपग्रहों के निर्माण और संचालन में विदेशी निवेश का प्रवेश मार्ग क्या है?
- A). 49% under Automatic route
- B). 74% under Automatic route
- C). 100% under Automatic route
- D). 100% under Government route
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Answer:- B). 74% under Automatic route
Q.259. What is the significance of allowing 100% FDI in the space sector?
- A). It aims to restrict employment generation
- B). It encourages foreign companies to dominate the Indian market
- C). It promotes employment generation, technology absorption, and self-reliance in the sector
- D). It restricts the integration of Indian companies into global value chains
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Answer:- C). It promotes employment generation, technology absorption, and self-reliance in the sector
Q.260. How does the amended FDI policy align with the government’s initiatives such as ‘Make In India (MII)’ and ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’?
Q.260. संशोधित एफडीआई नीति सरकार की ‘मेक इन इंडिया (एमआईआई)’ और ‘आत्मनिर्भर भारत’ जैसी पहलों के साथ कैसे मेल खाती है?
- A). By restricting foreign investment in the space sector
- B). By encouraging Indian companies to set up manufacturing facilities and promoting self-reliance
- C). By limiting private sector participation in space-related projects
- D). By discouraging modern technology absorption in the sector
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Answer:-B). By encouraging Indian companies to set up manufacturing facilities and promoting self-reliance
Q.261. What is the maximum percentage of FDI allowed under the automatic route for manufacturing of components and systems/sub-systems for satellites, ground segment, and user segment?
Q.261. उपग्रहों, ग्राउंड सेगमेंट और उपयोगकर्ता सेगमेंट के लिए घटकों और प्रणालियों/उप-प्रणालियों के निर्माण के लिए स्वचालित मार्ग के तहत एफडीआई का अधिकतम प्रतिशत कितना है?
- A). 49%
- B). 74%
- C). 100%
- D). 51%
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Answer:- C). 100%
Q.262. What is the purpose of liberalizing the FDI policy in the space sector?
Q.262. अंतरिक्ष क्षेत्र में एफडीआई नीति को उदार बनाने का उद्देश्य क्या है?
- A). To restrict foreign investment
- B). To discourage private sector participation
- C). To attract potential investors, generate employment, and enhance self-reliance
- D). To limit technology absorption
(Show Answer)
Answer:- C). To attract potential investors, generate employment, and enhance self-reliance

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- PM Modi to visit Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh on February 22-23.
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- GK Modi, Narendra Modi: Current Affairs GK -January, 2024
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