GK Modi, Narendra Modi: Current Affairs GK -January, 2024

English/Hindi GK – GK Today In Hindi – GK QuestionGK Modi

Q.81. What is the total number of islands in Lakshadweep mentioned in the article?

Q.81. लेख में उल्लिखित लक्षद्वीप में द्वीपों की कुल संख्या कितनी है?

  • A). 36
  • B). 24
  • C). 46
  • D). 50
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Answer:- Answer: A). 36

Q.82. Which island did Prime Minister Modi describe as having an “enchanting” and “mesmerizing” tranquility?

Q.82. प्रधान मंत्री मोदी ने किस द्वीप को “आकर्षक” और “मंत्रमुग्ध कर देने वाली” शांति वाला बताया?

  •  A). Agatti
  • B). Bangaram
  • C). Kavaratti
  • D). Kadmat
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Answer:- Answer: B). Bangaram

Q.83. What economic activities were highlighted as the mainstays of Lakshadweep’s economy in the article?

Q.83. लेख में लक्षद्वीप की अर्थव्यवस्था के मुख्य आधार के रूप में किन आर्थिक गतिविधियों पर प्रकाश डाला गया?

  • A). Fishing and coconut cultivation
  • B). Information technology
  • C). Manufacturing and trade
  • D). Mining and agriculture
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Answer:- Answer: A). Fishing and coconut cultivation

Q.84. Besides futuristic infrastructure, what additional focus did Prime Minister Modi mention for Lakshadweep’s development?

Q.84. भविष्य के बुनियादी ढांचे के अलावा, प्रधान मंत्री मोदी ने लक्षद्वीप के विकास के लिए किस अतिरिक्त फोकस का उल्लेख किया?

  • A). Industrial growth
  • B). Preservation of wildlife
  • C). Uplifting lives through enhanced development
  • D). Space exploration
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Answer:- Answer: C). Uplifting lives through enhanced development

Q.85. According to the article, what challenges is Lakshadweep currently facing?

Q.85. लेख के अनुसार, लक्षद्वीप वर्तमान में किन चुनौतियों का सामना कर रहा है?

  • A). Political unrest and social inequality
  • B). Climate change, coral bleaching, and waste management
  • C). Economic recession and unemployment
  • D). Technological challenges and inadequate infrastructure
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Answer:- Answer: B). Climate change, coral bleaching, and waste management

Q.86. What language is predominantly spoken in Lakshadweep?

Q.86. लक्षद्वीप में मुख्य रूप से कौन सी भाषा बोली जाती है?

  •  A). Hindi
  • B). Tamil
  • C). Malayalam
  • D). Kannada
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Answer:- Answer: C). Malayalam

Q.87. What recreational activity did Prime Minister Modi term as “exhilarating” during his visit?

Q.87. प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने अपनी यात्रा के दौरान किस मनोरंजक गतिविधि को “प्रफुल्लित करने वाला” बताया?

  • A). Paragliding
  • B). Snorkeling
  • C). Jet skiing
  • D). Trekking
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Answer:- Answer: B). Snorkeling

Q.88. How did Prime Minister Modi describe his early morning walks on the pristine beaches of Lakshadweep?

Q.88. प्रधान मंत्री मोदी ने लक्षद्वीप के प्राचीन समुद्र तटों पर अपनी सुबह की सैर का वर्णन कैसे किया?

  • A). Exciting
  • B). Blissful
  • C). Thrilling
  • D). Meditative
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Answer:- Answer: B). Blissful

Q.89. What did Prime Minister Modi appreciate Lakshadweep as, beyond being a group of islands?

Q.89. प्रधान मंत्री मोदी ने द्वीपों के समूह से परे, लक्षद्वीप की सराहना किस रूप में की?

  • A). A technological hub
  • B). A timeless legacy of traditions
  • C). A center for industrial progress
  • D). A cultural melting pot
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Answer:- Answer:B). A timeless legacy of traditions

Q.90. In the conclusion of the article, what did Prime Minister Modi express appreciation for?

Q.90. लेख के अंत में प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने किस बात की सराहना की?

  • A). The local cuisine
  • B). The cultural performances
  • C). The warm hospitality of the people
  • D). The scenic beauty
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Answer:- Answer: C). The warm hospitality of the people

Q.91. What is the smallest union territory of India, to which Lakshadweep belongs?

Q.91. भारत का सबसे छोटा केंद्र शासित प्रदेश कौन सा है, जिसमें लक्षद्वीप शामिल है?

  • A). Puducherry
  • B). Jammu and Kashmir
  • C). Daman and Diu
  • D). Dadra and Nagar Haveli
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Answer:- Answer: A). Puducherry

Q.92. Which island served as the capital of Lakshadweep during Prime Minister Modi’s visit?

Q.92. प्रधान मंत्री मोदी की यात्रा के दौरान कौन सा द्वीप लक्षद्वीप की राजधानी के रूप में कार्य करता था?

  • A). Agatti
  • B). Bangaram
  • C). Kavaratti
  • D). Kadmat
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Answer:- Answer: C). Kavaratti

Q.93. Apart from futuristic infrastructure, what were the additional aspects Prime Minister Modi highlighted for Lakshadweep’s development?

Q.93. भविष्य के बुनियादी ढांचे के अलावा, प्रधान मंत्री मोदी ने लक्षद्वीप के विकास के लिए किन अतिरिक्त पहलुओं पर प्रकाश डाला?

  • A). Industrial growth
  • B). Preservation of wildlife
  • C). Uplifting lives through enhanced development
  • D). Space exploration
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Answer:- Answer: C). Uplifting lives through enhanced development

Q.94. What key economic activities contribute significantly to Lakshadweep’s economy, as mentioned in the article?

Q.94. जैसा कि लेख में बताया गया है, लक्षद्वीप की अर्थव्यवस्था में कौन सी प्रमुख आर्थिक गतिविधियाँ महत्वपूर्ण योगदान देती हैं?

  • A). Information technology and manufacturing
  • B). Fishing and coconut cultivation
  • C). Tourism and trade
  • D). Mining and agriculture
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Answer:- Answer: B). Fishing and coconut cultivation

Q.95. According to the article, what challenges is Lakshadweep currently facing?

Q.95. लेख के अनुसार, लक्षद्वीप वर्तमान में किन चुनौतियों का सामना कर रहा है?

  • A). Political unrest and social inequality
  • B). Climate change, coral bleaching, and waste management
  • C). Economic recession and unemployment
  • D). Technological challenges and inadequate infrastructure
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Answer:- Answer: B). Climate change, coral bleaching, and waste management

Q.96. What language is predominantly spoken in Lakshadweep?

Q.96. लक्षद्वीप में मुख्य रूप से कौन सी भाषा बोली जाती है?

  • A). Hindi
  • B). Tamil
  • C). Malayalam
  • D). Kannada
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Answer:- Answer:C). Malayalam

Q.97. What recreational activity did Prime Minister Modi term as “exhilarating” during his visit?

Q.97. प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने अपनी यात्रा के दौरान किस मनोरंजक गतिविधि को “प्रफुल्लित करने वाला” बताया?

  • A). Paragliding
  • B). Snorkeling
  • C). Jet skiing
  • D). Trekking
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Answer:- Answer: B). Snorkeling

Q.98. In the article, what did Prime Minister Modi appreciate as “moments of pure bliss” during his visit to Lakshadweep?

Q.98. लेख में, प्रधान मंत्री मोदी ने लक्षद्वीप की अपनी यात्रा के दौरान “शुद्ध आनंद के क्षणों” के रूप में क्या सराहना की?

  • A). Cultural performances
  • B). Early morning walks on the beaches
  • C). Snorkeling experiences
  • D). Sunsets
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Answer:- Answer: B). Early morning walks on the beaches

Q.99. According to Prime Minister Modi, what did Lakshadweep reflect beyond its scenic beauty?

Q.99. प्रधान मंत्री मोदी के अनुसार, लक्षद्वीप अपनी प्राकृतिक सुंदरता से परे क्या दर्शाता है?

  • A). Technological advancements
  • B). A timeless legacy of traditions
  • C). Industrial progress
  • D). Political stability
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Answer:- Answer: B). A timeless legacy of traditions

Q.100. In the conclusion of the article, what did Prime Minister Modi express appreciation for?

Q.100. लेख के अंत में प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने किस बात की सराहना की?

  • A). The local cuisine
  • B). The cultural performances
  • C). The warm hospitality of the people
  • D). The scenic beauty
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Answer:- Answer: C). The warm hospitality of the people

GK Modi is The Founder And Author of GKModi.com or Studypoint.co.in, He is a Professional Web Developer, Designer And Blogger. E- Mail: parvin.kumar92@gmail.com

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