Banking GK Questions and Answers, gk Question bank in hindi
Banking GK – Notebooks are also important for other important exams like IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, SBI Clerk, IBPS SO, SBI Notebook. Here is a collection of General Knowledge questions asked in Government Bank exams.
Banking & General Financial Awareness Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Answers with explanation for All Banking Exams of 2024-2025 such as IBPS Bank PO, IBPS Bank Clerical, RRB PO and Clerical, SBI PO and SBI Clerical, IBPS Recruitments, RBI Grade B and RBI Banking Examinations. Study Point Or Gk Modi.

Q. Which is called the bank of banks in India?
Q. भारत में किसे बैंकों का बैंक कहा जाता है ?
- A) Reserve Bank of India
- B) Central Bank of India
- C) Bank of India
- D) State Bank of India
(Show Answer)
Answer:- A) Reserve Bank of India
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Q. The term “NPA” in banking stands for:
Q. बैंकिंग में “एनपीए” शब्द का अर्थ है:
- A) Non-Performing Asset
- B) New Priority Account
- C) National Priority Allocation
- D) Non-Profitable Allocation
(Show Answer)
Answer:- A) Non-Performing Asset
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Q. R. B. Where is the headquarters of RBI located?
Q. आर. बी. आई. (RBI) का मुख्यालय कहाँ स्थित है ?
- A) Delhi
- B) Mumbai
- C) Chennai
- D) Kolkata
(Show Answer)
Answer:- B) Mumbai
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Q. What is not the work of Reserve Bank of India?
Q. भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक का कार्य नही है ?
- A) To control all the banks of India
- B) Issuance of currency notes
- C) Giving loans to exporters
- D) Making currency plan
(Show Answer)
Answer:- C) Giving loans to exporters
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Q. Who regulates the functioning of stock exchanges in India?
Q. भारत में स्टॉक एक्सचेंजों की कार्यप्रणाली को कौन नियंत्रित करता है?
- A) RBI (Reserve Bank of India)
- B) SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India)
- C) IRDAI (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India)
- D) Ministry of Finance
(Show Answer)
Answer:- B) SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India)
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Q. What is not the work of Reserve Bank of India?
Q. भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक का कार्य नही है ?
- A) Bank of banks
- B) Government bank
- C) Accepting deposits from the public
- D) Note issue
(Show Answer)
Answer:-C) Accepting deposits from the public
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Q. The first-ever bank in India with limited liability was:
Q. भारत में सीमित देनदारी वाला पहला बैंक था:
- A) Bank of India
- B) Central Bank of India
- C) Allahabad Bank
- D) Punjab National Bank
(Show Answer)
Answer:- C) Allahabad Bank
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Q. Who controls the credit generated?
Q. व्यापारिक बैंकों द्वारा जनित साख का नियन्त्रण कौन करता है
- A) Reserve Bank of India
- B) Government of India
- C) Finance Ministry
- D) State Bank of India
(Show Answer)
Answer:- A) Reserve Bank of India
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Q. What does the term “ECS” stand for in banking?
Q. बैंकिंग में “ईसीएस” शब्द का क्या अर्थ है?
- A) Electronic Credit System
- B) Electronic Clearing Service
- C) Electronic Cash Settlement
- D) Electronic Currency System
(Show Answer)
Answer:- B) Electronic Clearing Service
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Q. How is NOTC issued in India?
Q. भारत में करेंसी नोट जारी करता है ?
- A) Finance Ministry
- B) State Bank of India
- C) Reserve Bank of India
- D) Finance Secretary
(Show Answer)
Answer:- C) Reserve Bank of India
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