India and the United States’ Joint Statement

Prime Minister Modi and President Biden pledged to sustain the high-level of engagement between our governments. United States:

Joint Statement from the United States and India:

 28. The United States reiterated its commitment to working together with India in the quantum domain.

GK Modi, india Gk
Joint statement
  1. In India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi welcomed US President Joseph R. Biden, Jr., emphasizing the longstanding partnership between the two countries. They praised the significant progress made since Prime Minister Modi’s historic June 2023 visit to Washington.
  2. The leaders encouraged their administrations to continue strengthening the India-US Strategic Partnership across multiple global fronts, emphasizing mutual trust and understanding. They reiterated that their alliance is based on shared values like freedom, democracy, human rights, inclusion, pluralism, and equal opportunities.
  3. President Biden emphasized India’s leadership of the G20 forum, emphasizing its significant contributions. Both leaders promised to support the G20, and they expect good things from the Leaders’ Summit in New Delhi, which will push for sustainable development and promote global cooperation.
  4. President Biden and Prime Minister Modi reiterated the Quad’s role in advancing a free, open, and resilient Indo-Pacific region. They expected President Biden to attend the upcoming Quad Leaders’ Summit in 2024, which will be held in India. India welcomed the US’s decision to co-lead the Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative Pillar on Trade Connectivity and Maritime Transport following its entry into the IPOI in June 2023.
  5. President Biden reiterated his support for India’s permanent membership in a redesigned UN Security Council, in line with their common vision for inclusive global governance. He also supported India’s non-permanent candidate for 2028–29. Both leaders emphasized that the multilateral system must be revitalized and redesigned so that it matches modern circumstances. They supported extensive UN reform, which includes increasing the membership of the Security Council.
  6. President Biden and Prime Minister Modi emphasized how crucial technology is for enhancing their strategic partnership. They praised the India-US Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology (ICET)’s ongoing efforts to promote open, secure, and resilient technology ecosystems and value chains based on mutual trust and confidence. Both leaders are planning to conduct a midterm review of iCET in September 2023 with the purpose of maintaining energy for the annual review in early 2024, which will be led by the National Security Advisors of both nations.
  7. President Biden praised Prime Minister Modi, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) scientists and engineers, as well as for the historic landing of Chandrayaan-3 at the Moon’s south polar region and the successful launch of India’s first solar mission, Aditya-L1. They welcomed the creation of a Working Group for commercial space collaboration, which would complement the India-US Civil Space Joint Working Group. They were united in their desire to explore new frontiers in space cooperation. ISRO and NASA are talking about increasing their partnership in space exploration, and there are discussions going on about working together to get to the International Space Station in 2024. By the end of 2023, they also want to finalize a strategic framework for human space flight cooperation. Additionally, they have the objective of strengthening planetary defense coordination, which includes the United States assisting India in its involvement in asteroid detection and tracking through the Minor Planet Center.
  8. The leaders once again expressed their support for the establishment of resilient semiconductor supply chains across the globe. They recognized Microchip Technology, Inc.’s multi-year initiative to invest approximately US$300 million in growing its research and development footprint in India, as well as Advanced Micro Device’s commitment to invest US$400 million in India over the next five years for the expansion of its research, development, and engineering operations. Both leaders said they were satisfied with the progress of the initiatives that were announced in June 2023 by US companies Micron, LAM Research, and Applied Materials.
  9. Prime Minister Modi and President Biden welcomed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Bharat 6G Alliance and Next G Alliance, which is operated by the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions. This is a first step toward enhancing public-private cooperation between vendors and operators in the pursuit of secure and reliable telecommunications, resilient supply chains, and global digital inclusion. Additionally, they recognized the establishment of two Joint Task Forces. These Task Forces were aimed at collaborating in Open RAN and conducting research and development on 5G/6G technologies. Before full deployment, a US Open RAN manufacturer will test a 5G Open RAN pilot in a prominent Indian telecom operator. The leaders expect Indian companies to take part in the US. Rip and Replace Program, where President Biden welcomed India’s support for a US Rip and Replace pilot.
  10. The United States reiterated its commitment to working with India in the quantum domain, both bilaterally and through the Quantum Entanglement Exchange, a platform that facilitates international quantum exchange opportunities. They said the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay had joined the Chicago Quantum Exchange as an international partner, and the Kolkata-based S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences was welcomed to be a member of the Quantum Economic Development Consortium.
  11. The leaders celebrated the recent signing of an implementation arrangement between the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and India’s Department of Biotechnology. This arrangement aims to encourage collaborative scientific and technological research in biotechnology and biomanufacturing innovations. They also praised the joint call for proposals by NSF and India’s Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, which aimed to encourage academic and commercial collaboration in areas such as semiconductor research, cybersecurity, sustainability, green technologies, intelligent transportation systems, and next-generation communication systems.
  12. The leaders reaffirmed their commitment to endorsing policies and regulations conducive to enhanced technology sharing, co-development, and co-production opportunities between Indian and US businesses, governments, and academic institutions. They also reiterated their dedication to supporting resilient technology value chains and interlinking defense industrial ecosystems. They welcomed the ongoing collaboration facilitated by an inter-agency monitoring mechanism, which was launched in June 2023 by the bilateral Strategic Trade Dialogue.
  13. Also, the leaders were pleased with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Indian universities, represented by the Council of Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) and the Association of American Universities (AAU). The MoU aims to establish the India-US Global Challenges Institute, with an initial combined commitment of at least $10 million. Sustainable energy and agriculture, health and pandemic preparedness, semiconductor technology and manufacturing, advanced materials, telecommunications, artificial intelligence, and quantum science are some of the new frontiers in science and technology that this institute hopes to unite leading research and higher education institutions from both nations.
  14. Additionally, they applauded the growing number of collaborative education partnerships between a number of institutions, including those between the New York University-Tandon and the IIT Kanpur Advanced Research Center, as well as the Buffalo Joint Research Centers of the State University of New York and various Indian Institutes of Technology (Delhi, Kanpur, Jodhpur, and BHU), which concentrate on critical and emerging technologies.
  15. Finally, leaders stressed how important it is to solve the digital gender gap in the digital economy, citing the G20’s promise to halve the digital gender gap by 2030. They endorsed the Women in the Digital Economy Initiative, a partnership of governments, private companies, foundations, civil society, and multilateral organizations aimed at easing the digital gender divide.
  16. President Biden and Prime Minister Modi have reiterated their commitment to expanding and broadening the India-US Major Defence Partnership by expanding collaboration into new frontiers like space and AI, and by encouraging faster defence industrial collaboration.
  17. On August 29, 2023, they celebrated the successful completion of the Congressional Notification process, which started negotiations for a commercial agreement between GE Aerospace and Hindustan Aeronautical Limited (HAL) to manufacture GE F-414 jet engines in India. The leaders reiterated their resolve to support this innovative initiative for co-production and technology transfer by working together and taking immediate action.
  18. Additionally, they expressed their gratitude for the signing of a second Master Ship Repair Agreement, which was reached in August 2023 by the U.S. Navy and Mazgaon Dock Shipbuilders, Ltd। Both leaders promised to expand India’s role as a hub for the maintenance and repair of US Navy assets and other aircraft and vessels, and they welcomed more US industries’ investments in India’s aircraft maintenance, repair, and overhaul capabilities.
  19. Additionally, the leaders praised the India-U.S. Defence Acceleration Ecosystem (INDUS-X) team for developing a robust collaboration agenda between the US and Indian defense sectors in order to address mutual security threats. They particularly emphasized the Joint Accelerator Program for Indian Startups, launched in August 2023 by IIT Hyderabad and US accelerator Hacking 4 Allies (H4x) and IIT Kanpur, which involves Penn State University. They applauded the joint initiatives announced by the Indian Ministry of Defence’s Innovations for Defence Excellence and the U.S. Department of Defense’s Defense Innovation Unit, which encouraged startups to come up with solutions to common defense technology issues.
  20. President Biden also acknowledged the Letter of Request from the Ministry of Defence of India requesting the purchase of 31 General Atomics MQ-9B remotely piloted aircraft, which include 16 Sky Guardian and 15 Sea Guardian variants, along with related equipment. Through this acquisition, India’s armed forces’ intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities will be strengthened across all operational domains.
  21. Prime Minister Modi and President Biden emphasized the need for enhanced cooperation between India and the US in these crucial areas, emphasizing the crucial role nuclear energy plays in addressing climate change, advancing energy transition, and ensuring energy security. They encouraged an increase in consultations between pertinent entities from both countries in order to expand opportunities for nuclear energy cooperation. This includes collaborative development of technologies for next-generation small modular reactors. The United States reiterated its support for India’s membership in the Nuclear Suppliers Group and promised to continue working with similar partners in order to accomplish this goal.
  22. Additionally, the leaders praised the August 2023 inaugural meeting of the India-US Renewable Energy Technologies Action Platform (RE-TAP). Through this initiative, the two countries will work together in lab-to-lab cooperation, technology piloting and testing, as well as develop policies to promote renewable energy and related technologies. Additionally, in order to speed up the adoption of new renewable energy systems and technologies, they will concentrate on investment, incubation, outreach programs, and skill development.
  23. Leaders recognized the importance of reducing carbon emissions in transportation, so they supported initiatives to promote electric mobility in India. They announced their joint support for a payment security mechanism supported by both public and private sectors in order to facilitate the purchase of 10,000 electric buses made in India, including those selected for the Indian PM e-Bus Sewa program, in addition to the necessary charging infrastructure. Both countries have made a pledge to work together to diversify the global supply chain for electric mobility.
  24. India and the United States are actively engaged in the development of investment platforms with the aim of lowering capital costs and speeding up the deployment of greenfield renewable energy, battery storage, and new green technology projects in India. To this end, the National Investment and Infrastructure Fund of India and the U.S. Development Finance Corporation have agreed to contribute up to US$500 million each to establish a renewable infrastructure investment fund.
  25. Additionally, the leaders expressed their gratitude for the World Trade Organization (WTO)’s resolution of the seventh and final pending dispute between India and the United States. This achievement follows the WTO’s June 2023 settlement of six bilateral trade disputes.
  26. The leaders praised the effort to develop a strong “Innovation Handshake” agenda within the context of the India-US Commercial Dialogue. Startups, private equity and venture capital companies, corporate investment departments, and government officials from both countries will work together to strengthen their innovation ecosystems in the fall at two major events on this agenda.
  27. They also celebrated the deepening bilateral cooperation in cancer research, prevention, control, and management. They are excited about the India-US Cancer Dialogue, which is scheduled to start in November 2023. This discussion is intended to advance cancer genomics, develop new diagnostics and treatments, and support cancer care, especially for those in urban and rural areas that have not been adequately treated. Additionally, they stressed the importance of the upcoming U.S.-India Health Dialogue in October 2023 in Washington, D.C., which will highlight their mutual commitment to strengthening their cooperation in scientific, regulatory, and health sectors.
  28. Also, the leaders welcomed the extension of a Memorandum of Arrangement between the US Department of Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency and the Indian Anthropological Survey (AnSI). This renewal makes it easier to retrieve the remains of fallen US service members who served in World War II from India.
  29. President Biden and Prime Minister Modi reaffirmed their commitment to maintaining strong collaboration between their governments, businesses, and educational institutions. They remain committed to achieving a steady India-US partnership, with the goal of fulfilling the people’s aspirations for a prosperous future, contributing to global well-being, and maintaining a free, open, inclusive, and resilient Indo-Pacific region.

FAQ’s –Questions Ans. GK PM Modi:

FAQ’s –Questions Ans. GK PM Modi:
FAQ’s –Questions Ans. GK PM Modi:
  1. Question: When did Prime Minister Modi visit Washington, marking a significant milestone in India-US relations?
    • Answer: Prime Minister Modi’s historic visit to Washington took place in June 2023.
  2. Question: What values form the foundation of the India-US partnership, according to the leaders?
    • Answer: The partnership between India and the US is rooted in shared values such as freedom, democracy, human rights, inclusion, pluralism, and equal opportunities.
  3. Question: Which forum did President Biden emphasize India’s leadership in, and what contributions did he acknowledge?
    • Answer: President Biden highlighted India’s leadership in the G20 forum, acknowledging its significant contributions.
  4. Question: Where will the upcoming Quad Leaders’ Summit in 2024 be hosted, and who confirmed their attendance?
    • Answer: The upcoming Quad Leaders’ Summit in 2024 will be hosted in India, and President Biden confirmed his attendance.
  5. Question: What is the focus of the Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative Pillar on Trade Connectivity and Maritime Transport?
    • Answer: The Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative Pillar on Trade Connectivity and Maritime Transport aims to enhance trade connectivity and maritime transport in the Indo-Pacific region.
  6. Question: What is President Biden’s stance on India’s membership in the UN Security Council, and what other support did he express?
    • Answer: President Biden reiterated his support for India’s permanent membership in a reformed UN Security Council and endorsed India’s non-permanent candidacy for 2028–29.
  7. Question: What is the objective of the India-US Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology (ICET)?
    • Answer: The India-US Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology (ICET) aims to promote open, secure, and resilient technology ecosystems and value chains based on mutual trust and confidence.
  8. Question: What recent achievements in space exploration were highlighted by President Biden and Prime Minister Modi?
    • Answer: President Biden and Prime Minister Modi praised the historic landing of Chandrayaan-3 at the Moon’s south polar region and the successful launch of India’s first solar mission, Aditya-L1.
  9. Question: Which initiatives aim to strengthen semiconductor supply chains, and what investments have been mentioned?
    • Answer: Initiatives by Microchip Technology, Inc. and Advanced Micro Device aim to strengthen semiconductor supply chains. Microchip plans to invest approximately US$300 million, while Advanced Micro Device commits US$400 million over the next five years in India.
  10. Question: What cooperation agreements were highlighted in the telecommunications sector, and what are their objectives?
    • Answer: The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Bharat 6G Alliance and Next G Alliance marks the initial step toward enhancing public-private cooperation in telecommunications. Joint Task Forces were established to collaborate in Open RAN and conduct research and development on 5G/6G technologies.
  11. Question: What platforms facilitate international quantum exchange opportunities, and which Indian institutions have recently joined them?
    • Answer: The Quantum Entanglement Exchange is a platform facilitating international quantum exchange opportunities. Recently, the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay joined the Chicago Quantum Exchange, and the Kolkata-based S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences became a member of the Quantum Economic Development Consortium.
  12. Question: What recent collaborative efforts have been made in biotechnology research between the US and India?
    • Answer: An implementation arrangement was signed between the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and India’s Department of Biotechnology to encourage collaborative scientific and technological research in biotechnology and biomanufacturing innovations.
  13. Question: What areas of collaboration were highlighted in the joint call for proposals by NSF and India’s Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology?
    • Answer: The joint call for proposals aimed to encourage academic and commercial collaboration in semiconductor research, cybersecurity, sustainability, green technologies, intelligent transportation systems, and next-generation communication systems.
  14. Question: What is the objective of the India-US Global Challenges Institute established through the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Indian universities and the Association of American Universities?
    • Answer: The India-US Global Challenges Institute aims to unite leading research and higher education institutions from both nations with an initial combined commitment of at least $10 million. It focuses on addressing challenges in sustainable energy and agriculture, health and pandemic preparedness, semiconductor technology and manufacturing, advanced materials, telecommunications, artificial intelligence, and quantum science.
  15. Question: Can you name a few examples of collaborative education partnerships mentioned in the article?
    • Answer: Collaborative education partnerships include those between the New York University-Tandon and the IIT Kanpur Advanced Research Center, as well as the Buffalo Joint Research Centers of the State University of New York and various Indian Institutes of Technology (Delhi, Kanpur, Jodhpur, and BHU).
  16. Question: What initiative aims to address the digital gender gap in the digital economy, and who are its stakeholders?
    • Answer: The Women in the Digital Economy Initiative aims to ease the digital gender divide and involves partnerships among governments, private companies, foundations, civil society, and multilateral organizations.
  17. Question: What innovative initiative in defence cooperation was celebrated on August 29, 2023, and what is its significance?
    • Answer: The successful completion of the Congressional Notification process for a commercial agreement between GE Aerospace and Hindustan Aeronautical Limited (HAL) to manufacture GE F-414 jet engines in India was celebrated. This initiative aims at co-production and technology transfer, enhancing defence collaboration between the US and India.
  18. Question: What significant acquisitions were mentioned in the defence sector, and how will they strengthen India’s capabilities?
    • Answer: India’s Ministry of Defence requested the purchase of 31 General Atomics MQ-9B remotely piloted aircraft, strengthening India’s armed forces’ intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities across all operational domains.
  19. Question: What areas of cooperation were emphasized between India and the US regarding nuclear energy?
    • Answer: Enhanced cooperation between India and the US in nuclear energy was emphasized, focusing on addressing climate change, advancing energy transition, and ensuring energy security. This includes collaborative development of technologies for next-generation small modular reactors.
  20. Question: What initiative was launched in August 2023, and what is its aim?
    • Answer: The India-US Renewable Energy Technologies Action Platform (RE-TAP) was launched in August 2023. Its aim is to foster lab-to-lab cooperation, technology piloting and testing, and policy development to promote renewable energy and related technologies.
  21. Question: How do the leaders plan to promote electric mobility in India, and what specific support was announced?
    • Answer: The leaders announced joint support for a payment security mechanism to facilitate the purchase of 10,000 electric buses made in India, including those for the Indian PM e-Bus Sewa program, along with the necessary charging infrastructure. Additionally, they pledged to work together to diversify the global supply chain for electric mobility.
  22. Question: What significant investment initiative was established between India and the United States, and what is its purpose?
    • Answer: The National Investment and Infrastructure Fund of India and the U.S. Development Finance Corporation have agreed to contribute up to US$500 million each to establish a renewable infrastructure investment fund. This fund aims to lower capital costs and accelerate the deployment of greenfield renewable energy, battery storage, and new green technology projects in India.
  23. Question: What recent achievement in trade resolution was praised by the leaders, and what was its significance?
    • Answer: The leaders praised the resolution of the seventh and final pending dispute between India and the United States by the World Trade Organization (WTO). This achievement follows the settlement of six bilateral trade disputes by the WTO in June 2023, contributing to smoother trade relations between the two countries.
  24. Question: What significant discussions were highlighted in the article regarding innovation and healthcare cooperation between India and the United States?
    • Answer: The leaders praised the development of a robust “Innovation Handshake” agenda within the India-US Commercial Dialogue and the upcoming India-US Cancer Dialogue scheduled to start in November 2023. They also stressed the importance of the upcoming U.S.-India Health Dialogue in October 2023 in Washington, D.C., focusing on strengthening cooperation in scientific, regulatory, and health sectors.
  25. Question: What agreement was extended between the US Department of Defense and the Indian Anthropological Survey, and what does it facilitate?
    • Answer: The leaders welcomed the extension of a Memorandum of Arrangement between the US Department of Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency and the Indian Anthropological Survey (AnSI). This renewal facilitates the retrieval of remains of fallen US service members who served in World War II from India.
  26. Question: What overarching commitment did President Biden and Prime Minister Modi reaffirm regarding India-US partnership?
    • Answer: President Biden and Prime Minister Modi reaffirmed their commitment to maintaining strong collaboration between their governments, businesses, and educational institutions, aiming to achieve a steady India-US partnership. They aspire to fulfill the people’s aspirations for a prosperous future, contribute to global well-being, and maintain a free, open, inclusive, and resilient Indo-Pacific region.

GK Modi is The Founder And Author of or, He is a Professional Web Developer, Designer And Blogger. E- Mail:

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