भारत सामान्य ज्ञान (India General Knowledge) GK Modi
Gk Question Answer in Hindi-English:

India GK All Group:
India Gk, home to one of the world’s oldest civilizations, is a vibrant country with a rich cultural legacy. Simultaneously, India has evolved with the times and achieved multifarious social and economic advancements in the years after its independence. India is the seventh-largest country in the world by land area. India possesses a unique personality based on its geographical location. Its borders are the Bay of Bengal in the east, the Arabian Sea in the west, the Indian Ocean in the south, and the Himalayan mountain range in the north. Let’s familiarize ourselves with additional factual data regarding India. GK Railway GK In Hind – All group – Downloads
Q. Which state is known for its desert landscape and historic forts, with Jaipur as its capital?
Q. कौन सा राज्य अपने रेगिस्तानी परिदृश्य और ऐतिहासिक किलों के लिए जाना जाता है, जिसकी राजधानी जयपुर है?
- A) Gujarat
- B) Rajasthan
- C) Haryana
- D) Punjab
(Show Answer)
Answer:- B) Rajasthan
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Q. Sura was used in the material of which yagya during the Vedic period?
Q. वैदिक काल में किस यज्ञ में यज्ञ सामग्री में सुरा का प्रयोग किया जाता था?
- A) Rajsuya
- B) Agnisthoma
- C) Vajpayee
- D) Sautramani
(Show Answer)
Answer:- D) Sautramani
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Q. According to Rig Veda, on which river did the Dasharaja war take place?
Q. ऋग्वेद के अनुसार दशराज युद्ध किस नदी पर हुआ था?
- A) Saraswati
- B) Ganga
- C) Parushani
- D) Vitasta
(Show Answer)
Answer:- C) Parushani
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Q. In which state is the city of Bangalore located?
Q. बेंगलुरु शहर किस राज्य में स्थित है?
- A) Andhra Pradesh
- B) Tamil Nadu
- C) Karnataka
- D) Kerala
(Show Answer)
Answer:- C) Karnataka
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Q. Where did Jahangir send to Persia for the painting of Persian King Shah Abbas I?
Q. जहाँगीर ने फारस के राजा शाह अब्बास प्रथम की पेंटिंग के लिए किसे फारस भेजा था?
- A) Basavan
- B) Bishandas
- C) Manohar
- D) Dasharatha
(Show Answer)
Answer:- B) Bishandas
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Q. Sayan, the major commentator of the Vedas, was associated with which empire?
Q. वेदों का प्रमुख टीकाकार सयन किस साम्राज्य से जुड़ा हुआ था?
- A) Pallava Empire
- B) Vijayanagara Empire
- C) Chola Empire
- D) None of these
(Show Answer)
Answer:- B) Vijayanagara Empire
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Q. Which state is home to the Ajanta and Ellora Caves?
Q. कौन सा राज्य अजंता और एलोरा की गुफाओं का घर है?
- A) Gujarat
- B) Maharashtra
- C) Karnataka
- D) Rajasthan
(Show Answer)
Answer:- B) Maharashtra
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Q. Which of the following temples belongs to the Chola Empire?
Q. निम्नलिखित में कौन सा मंदिर चोल साम्राज्य से संबंधित है?
- A) Koranganath
- B) Brihadeshwar
- C) Airwateswar
- D) Kailashnath
(Show Answer)
Answer:- D) Kailashnath
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Q. According to the Mahayana Buddhist sect, which of the following is the future Buddha?
Q. निम्नलिखित में महायान बौद्ध पंथ के अनुसार, कौन से भविष्य के बुध्द हैं?
- A) Amitabh
- B) Krakuchand
- C) Kanak Muni
- D) Maitreya
(Show Answer)
Answer:- D) Maitreya
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Q. What is the capital of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir?
Q. केंद्र शासित प्रदेश जम्मू और कश्मीर की राजधानी क्या है?
- A) Srinagar
- B) Leh
- C) Jammu
- D) Ladakh
(Show Answer)
Answer:- A) Srinagar
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Q.Santhara Primary belongs to which religion?
Q. संथारा प्रथा किस धर्म से संबंधित है?
- A) Buddhist
- B) Hindu
- C) Sikh
- D) Jain
(Show Answer)
Answer:- D) Jain
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Q. When is Flag Day celebrated in India?
Q. भारत में झंडा दिवस कब मनाया जाता है?
- A) 3 December
- B) 7 December
- C) 11 December
- D) 17 December
(Show Answer)
Answer:- B) 7 December
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Q. When is National Mathematics Day celebrated?
Q. राष्ट्रीय गणित दिवस कब मनाया जाता है?
- A) 22 December
- B) 17 December
- C) 25 December
- D) 20 December
(Show Answer)
Answer:- A) 22 December
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Q. Which Union Territory is known for its coral atolls and marine life?
Q. कौन सा केंद्र शासित प्रदेश अपने मूंगा एटोल और समुद्री जीवन के लिए जाना जाता है?
- A) Andaman and Nicobar Islands
- B) Lakshadweep
- C) Dadra and Nagar Haveli
- D) Chandigarh
(Show Answer)
Answer:- B) Lakshadweep
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