भारत सामान्य ज्ञान (India General Knowledge) GK Modi
Gk Question Answer in Hindi-English:
India GK All Group:
India Gk, home to one of the world’s oldest civilizations, is a vibrant country with a rich cultural legacy. Simultaneously, India has evolved with the times and achieved multifarious social and economic advancements in the years after its independence. India is the seventh-largest country in the world by land area. India possesses a unique personality based on its geographical location. Its borders are the Bay of Bengal in the east, the Arabian Sea in the west, the Indian Ocean in the south, and the Himalayan mountain range in the north. Let’s familiarize ourselves with additional factual data regarding India. GK Railway GK In Hind – All group – Downloads
Read More: PM list of india: GK Question Answer, All PM list, GK Modi In india gk in hindi
Q. The ancient language of Sanskrit is used for which of the following?
Q. प्राचीन भाषा संस्कृत का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित में से किसके लिए किया जाता है?
- A) Modern communication
- B) Classical Indian scriptures
- C) Daily spoken language
- D) Contemporary literature
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Answer:- B) Classical Indian scriptures
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Q. भारत की पहली यूरेनियम खदान किस स्थान पर स्थित है?