During Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024.

Hello Students,
A short while ago, my classmates and I presented a variety of inventions, creating various forms while attempting to influence the direction of the National Education Policy. It was a rare chance to learn about the viewpoints of the country’s next generation and explore the answers they had to offer for problems involving water, land, sky, space, and artificial intelligence. The presentations were so powerful that, even after five or six hours, it felt inadequate, highlighting the breadth of concepts covered. My sincere congrats go out to these pupils, their instructors, and the school.
Before I end, I want each of you to look around the exhibition and get a deeper understanding of its themes. When you go back to your individual schools, I want you to tell other students about what you experienced. Will you do this? The call to action comes from the group as a whole, saying, “We will do it. Our voices will be heard.”
Think about where you are right now—right where world leaders gathered for a two-day discussion on the future of the globe during the early days of Bharat Mandapam. You are having conversations today about India’s future against the backdrop of upcoming exams. This program that is all about exams is really a test for me as well. Some of you may want to examine and assess. This workshop tries to provide answers for many questions, even though we might not cover them all. Now let’s get started right now. Where should we start?
PM Modi pariksha pe charcha. GK Modi
Prime Minister. Heartfelt thanks for your inspiring words.
If this passion remains then the problems will be solved.
What if the land becomes barren, water will emerge from there only.
Keep trying to accomplish something,
A golden tomorrow will emerge from these nights,
It is from these nights that a golden tomorrow will emerge.
Presenter – Thank You Mohammad! Dania Shabu from Oman and Mohd. from Delhi. Many students like Arsh and us are not able to handle the pressure of expectations of the society and the people around them. Please guide them.
Prime Minister- I’ve noticed that this is episode seven of Pariksha Pe Charcha, and every time, the same question has, I believe, come up in a different format. This suggests that during the previous seven years, seven different batches of students have overcome these obstacles. Teacher turnover is slower than that of fresh student batches entering. We might see a slow decline in these problems if teachers have implemented the suggestions I made in my earlier episodes in their classrooms.
Similarly, the oldest child in the family may have gone through identical experiences once or twice, but their background may be different. All parents, though, have probably dealt with this issue at some point. The relevant question at this point is how to deal with this problem. We can’t just support turning off or ignoring the pressure. Rather, we ought to work on developing resilience so that we can withstand any kind of stress without giving up.
Realizing that pressure is a constant in life, people need to psychologically get ready. In the same way that someone mentally gets used to the idea of traveling to a much colder location by acclimating to the temperature differential, we should make a mental commitment to conquer scholastic difficulties. Like realizing that the cold isn’t as scary as you thought it would be, mental preparation can lessen the apparent difficulty of a task.
Let’s also look at the sources of pressure. Self-imposed pressure includes having strict study plans and high standards. It’s important to avoid pushing ourselves past our breaking point. Setting realistic goals and progressively raising them will help you avoid self-inflicted stress. Incremental development is the key.
Parents often add to the stress by challenging their children’s study habits and peer comparisons. This remark from the family, which is occasionally passed down from parents to older siblings, adds even more strain. Families, educators, and kids must work together to address these demands. It is imperative that families have continuous discussions about how each household manages these kinds of circumstances. We can overcome these obstacles by progressively adopting developing tactics as opposed to strictly following a theory. I’m grateful.
Presenter – PM I appreciate you pointing out how to handle the pressure, sir. Through virtual means, Bhagya Lakshmi ji, a guardian from the Andaman Nicobar Islands, who witnessed Veer Savarkar’s sacrifice and is renowned for its exceptional natural beauty, is joining us. Prabha Lakshmi ji, please ask your query.
Bhagya Lakshmi – Greetings, Prime Minister of Honor. As a parent, may I ask you a question? Peer pressure exerted on students can somewhat diminish the value of friendship. And it makes the girl students compete against their own friends, what is your opinion on that? Please give me solution. I’m grateful.
Presenter – I’m grateful, Bhagya Lakshmi ji. Prime Minister Drishti Chauhan, a student at Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya in Panchmahal, Gujarat—the country that gives the world its three essential components of truth, nonviolence, and religion—wants to know how you would solve her dilemma. Please pose your inquiry, Drishti.
Drishti Chauhan – Greetings, Prime Minister of Honor. As a sixth-grade student at Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Panchmahal, my name is Drishti Chauhan. I would like to ask you a question: does competitiveness among friends occasionally lead to increased stress in the competitive setting of exams? Could you please advise how to prevent this? Would you kindly advise me on this? Regards, sir.
Presenter – I’m grateful, Drishti. We’re glad to have Swati Dilip from Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 1 Calicut join us online. She wants to pose you a question. Kerala is a beautiful state that becomes wet at the first sign of rain. Please pose your query, Swati.
Swati- Hi there. Hon’ble Prime Minister Sir. My name is Swati Dilip, and I attend PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 1 Calicut in the Ernakulam Region. I am a class 11 student. Could you help provide us some advice on how to avoid unhealthy and pointless competitiveness in this cutthroat world? Also, please let us know how to resist peer pressure!
Presenter – I’m grateful, Swati. Head of State. Kindly respond to Bhagya Lakshmi ji, Drishti, and Swati’s questions: How can one prevent the tension brought on by rivalry and peer pressure, as well as the resentment it causes in relationships? Kindly provide guidance.
Prime Minister – Life would become extremely uninspiring and mindless without challenges and competition; therefore, there must be competition. However, as a Calicut girl pointed out in a query, competition ought to be beneficial. Your question now seems a little risky, which worries me. Maybe this is the first time I’ve seen a topic of this nature in a conversation on the exam. As you can see, this tendency’s poisonous seed might occasionally be seeded within the family. Even with two kids living in the home, the parents will occasionally talk well of one and occasionally of the other. Thus, occasionally, even between those two siblings—that is, those two brothers or sisters—mother would tell him one thing and me another. This kind of warped rivalry is ingrained, whether intentionally or accidentally, in family life. And for that reason, I kindly ask all parents to refrain from comparing their own kids in this way. He eventually develops a hatred that eventually spreads across the family, growing into a massive, toxic tree over time. In a similar vein, I saw a video years ago that you may have all seen, in which a number of disabled youngsters compete in running; 12 to 15-year-olds are not the same, and there will be challenges if they are disabled. But while they’re running, a child falls. Now, if people had been smarter, what would have happened? Wow, this one is gone, come on man, one less competitor? But what those kids did was, every one of them who had gone ahead also came back, every one of them who was running also stopped, first they all made him stand, and then they all started running again. In actuality, this video may help the lives of disabled children, but it also sends a powerful message and serves as an incredible source of inspiration.
The next topic is: What kind of rivalry do you have with your brother or friend? If your friend received 90 out of 100 on the paper, does that mean you still have 10 marks left? Do you still have 10 marks to go? You also have a hundred, am I right? Therefore, you must compete with yourself rather than with him. You need to consider how many points out of 100 I will bring and whether he has brought 90 or 100. You don’t have to be angry with him. In fact, it may turn into a goal for you. And if you have this mindset, what are you going to do? Your intelligent individual will not become a friend. You will continue to roam the market as a large contractor, making friends with people who do nothing. Actually, we ought to locate friends with greater skill than ourselves. Our workload increases with the number of talented pals we have. Our morale also rises. And for that reason, we should never let this kind of jealousy into our thoughts.
And parents are also really concerned about the third one. Parents will never stop cursing their kids. See how you continue to play and how he reads books. Continue doing this and watch him read. Consequently, they also consistently provide the same example. After then, this also starts to feel normal to you. Parents, please stay away from these things. On occasion, I have witnessed parents who have not achieved much in life, who have nothing noteworthy to share with the world about their bravery, success, or accomplishments, and who appear to have little concern for their kids. Our visiting cards are made from report cards. Will meet someone and share his child’s story with him. Right now, The child’s perception that he is everything is further heightened by this aspect of nature. I don’t have to do anything now.That aches a lot as well.
In actuality, we ought to look for our friend’s strength rather than harboring jealousies toward him. If my friend is more helpful in math than my professors are, even though I am not as skilled in the subject, it could be because he understands my psychology and I could surpass him in arithmetic. If I aid her with her linguistic skills, even if I am stronger than her, we will both gain strength from one another and grow in strength. I have witnessed friends who fail on their own, but if their friend succeeds, they share candy, so please help us avoid becoming lost in feelings of rivalry and jealousy. Friendship is not a game of give and take; when there is no such relationship, there is selfless love, and this friendship stays with you throughout your life, even after leaving school. So, friends, please find someone more brilliant and ascetic than us and always try to learn from them. Thank you. I have also seen such friends who have come with very good marks, but the friend did not come, that is why he did not have a party at his house, did not celebrate the festival, why my friend was left behind, and there are such friends too.
Presenter – Prime Minister, this message of humanity will always inspire us even in competition. Shri Kondakanchi Sampatrao ji, music teacher from ZP High School, Uparpalli, Enkapalli district, Andhra Pradesh, the sacred land of Tirumala, an agricultural country, south-eastern state of India, is joining us online and would like to ask you questions. Sampatrao ji please ask your question.
Sampatrao – Sampatrao’s greetings to the Prime Minister. My name is Kondakanchi Sampatrao and I am a teacher in ZP High School, Uparpalli, Enkapalli District Andhra Pradesh. Sir, my question to you is that as a teacher, in what ways can I help my students to be stress free while taking exams? Please guide me on this. thank you sir.
Presenter – Thank you sir. Bunty Medhi ji, a teacher from Saira High School in Sivasagar, Assam, the land of tea plantations and beautiful hilly region of Brahmaputra in the east of India, who is present in the auditorium, wants to ask a question to the Prime Minister. Ma’am, please ask your question.
Bunty Medhi- Hello, Honorable Prime Minister Sir, I am Bunty Medhi, a teacher from Shivsagar district Assam. My question is what should be the role of a teacher in motivating students. Please guide us. Thank you.
Presenter – Thank you ma’am, please Prime Minister please. In these questions asked by the music teacher of Andhra Pradesh Mr. Sampatrao ji and the teacher present in the auditorium, Bunty Medhi ji, they want to know about the role of teachers at the time of examination and how they help the students. Help you stay stress free. Please guide the entire teacher class.
Prime Minister – First of all, I think that music teachers can eliminate the stress not only of their class but of the children of the entire school. Music has that power…yes, if we are sitting listening to music with our ears closed…sometimes it happens…that we are there, the music is playing but we are somewhere else. And that is why we are not able to experience its joy. I understand that when any teacher thinks about how to remove this stress from the students. I may be wrong, but perhaps I think the teacher has the exam period in mind. If the relationship between teacher and student is during the examination period, then first of all that relationship should be corrected. Your relationship with the student: From the moment you enter the classroom on the first day, at the beginning of the year, your relationship should continue to grow from that day till the exam, then perhaps there will be no stress during the exam days.
Just think, today is the era of mobile, students too must have your mobile. Has any student ever called you? Contacted on call that I am suffering from this problem, I am worried… never would have done this. Why…because he doesn’t feel that you have any special place in my life. He feels that your-mine relationship is a subject. There is maths, chemistry, language. The day you go beyond the syllabus and establish a relationship with him, he will definitely share his feelings with you even during his minor problems.
If this relationship exists then the possibility of a stressful situation at the time of examination will be eliminated. You must have seen many doctors, those doctors have the most degree, but some doctors who are general practitioners… they are more successful because after the patient leaves, after a day or so, they call him and say, brother, did you do that? You took the medicine properly, how are you? Instead of waiting till he comes to his hospital the next day, let’s talk to him once in a while. And he half cures it. Any teacher among you is like this… Suppose, a child has done very well, and you go and sit with his family and say that now I have come to eat sweets, your child has done so brilliantly, today I will eat sweets from you. . You can imagine that when you go to the house and tell those parents, the child must have told that today he has done this. But when a teacher himself goes and tells, then the teacher’s coming to that family, the teacher’s telling will give strength to that child too and the family too would sometimes think something else, when the teacher comes and tells, the family would also think, my friend. We did not know about this power in the child that the teacher described. Really we need to pay some attention.
So you will see, the atmosphere will change suddenly and now the first thing is what to do to remove stress at the time of examination, for that I have already said a lot. I do not repeat it. But if you have a relationship with him throughout the year… I sometimes ask many teachers, how many years have you been a teacher? Those who would have gone to study at your place for the first time, may now be married. Did any of your students come to give you a wedding card? 99 percent of the teachers tell me that no student has come. Meaning we used to do jobs, we did not change our lives. The job of a teacher is not to do a job, the job of a teacher is to enhance life, to give strength to life and that brings change. Thank you.
Presenter – Mutual trust is important in the relationship between teacher and student. Thanks for giving us a new perspective. Adrita Chakraborty, a student of Pranavanand Vidya Mandir West Tripura, Tripura, a state of North-East India, which has amazing tribal culture, is joining us online. And to get relief from exam stress, she wants solution to her problem from the Honorable Prime Minister. Adrita please ask your question.
Adrita Chakraborty – Hello Prime Minister, my name is Adrita Chakraborty. I am a student of class 12th in Pranavananda Vidya Mandir West Tripura. My question to you is that in the last few minutes after the end of the paper, I get nervous and my handwriting also gets spoiled. How do I deal with this situation, please give me the solution, thanks sir.
Presenter – Thank You Adrita. Students of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Karap Kanker located in Chhattisgarh, a state famous as a rice bowl rich in natural resources, Sheikh Taifur Rahman are connecting through online and want guidance to get rid of the exam stress. Taifur Rahman please ask your question.
Sheikh Taifoor Rahman- Prime Minister Sir, Hello, my name is Sheikh Taifoor Rahman. I am a student of PM Shri Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Kanker Chhattisgarh. Most of the students feel nervous during the exam due to which they commit silly mistakes like not reading the questions properly etc. Sir, my question to you is how to avoid these mistakes. Please give your guidance, thanks.
Presenter – Thank you Taifoor, There is a student Rajlakshmi Acharya present among us in this auditorium from Orissa Adarsh Vidyalaya, Cuttack. She wants to ask questions to the Prime Minister. Rajlakshmi please ask your question.
Rajlakshmi Acharya – Hon’ble Prime Minister, Jai Jagannath. My name is Rajlaxmi Aacharya, I am from Odisha Adarsh Vidyalaya, Jokidola Banki Cuttack. Sir, My question is- It is easy to say you face an exam with a cool mind, but in exam hall the situation is so scary like don’t move, look straight, and so on then how can it be so cool, Thank You Sir.
Presenter – Thank you, Rajlakshmi, Prime Minister, Adrita, Taifoor and Rajlakshmi and many like them, this question has been often asked in all the previous editions of discussion on examination, and even now this question remains a cause of concern for some students that Please guide them how to cope with the stress during exams.
Prime Minister: There was tension again after roaming around. Now how to get relief from this stress? You see what kind of mistake happens. If we observe some mistakes in everyday life, we will come to know about them. Some mistakes occur due to over-enthusiasm of parents. Some mistakes are made by students with excessive sincerity. I think this should be avoided. For example, I have seen that some parents feel that since there is an exam today, their son should bring a new pen. If you send him nice clothes, he will spend a lot of time adjusting to them. Whether the shirt is right or not, whether the uniform is worn right or not. I request the parents to give only the pen which they use daily. Or he is going there to show some pens, and at the time of examination no one has time. Your child has come wearing a new one, he has come wearing an old one. So they should come out of this mentality. Secondly, they will feed him such things that it is an exam and go after eating this, it is an exam and go after eating this, then he faces further trouble because he does not have that comfort. Eat more than required that day and then mother will say that your exam center is so far away. By the time the night comes, it will be 7 o’clock, do this, eat something and then go, then she will ask you to take something. He starts resisting, no, I will not take it. That’s where the tension starts, and it happens before leaving the house. So my expectation from all the parents and my suggestion is that you should let him live his life. If you are going to give an exam then you should go with enthusiasm. His daily habits remained the same. Then what is the problem of the sincere students? Don’t leave the book till the door, till the door. Now you suddenly do it like this, even when you go to the railway station, does the entry of the train and your entry happen like this? You go 5-10 minutes early, stand on the platform, guess where your compartment will arrive, then go to that place, then think about which luggage to take in first, and then which one. That means your mind immediately starts setting itself even before the train arrives. Similarly, your examination hall. It may be possible that they may not open the door for you in the morning, but at least they allow you 10-15 minutes in advance. So, as soon as it’s open, go inside comfortably, and sit comfortably and happily. If there are any old funny things, then remember them, and if a friend is nearby, then tell a joke or two. Spend 5-10 minutes laughing and joking. It’s nothing, let it go, at least do one deep breathing, very deep breathing. Slowly, live for yourself for 8-10 minutes, get lost in yourself. Will pass the exam. And then when the question paper comes in your hand, you will be comfortable, otherwise what happens, did he come or not, did he see or not, how is he, don’t know where the teacher is looking, there is CCTV camera. Hey, what is your business? There is a CCTV camera lying in any corner, what is your business? We remain stuck in these things and they waste our energy and time without any reason. We should remain lost in ourselves and as soon as the question paper comes, sometimes you must have seen it. That if your number has come on the first bench. But he starts distributing question papers from behind. So your mind flutters, see he will get it five minutes before me, I will get it five minutes later. This is how it happens, isn’t it? This happens, right? Now you will use your mind in such things that first I got the question paper, if I got it after 20th mark then you can use your energy, you cannot change the situation. The teacher started from there, you can’t stand up and say give it to me first, you can’t do that. So you know this is going to happen, then you should adjust yourself like this. Once you have read about the whole world around us and we have been reading it since childhood. They keep listening to the story of Arjun’s bird’s eye. But when it comes to life, the tree is visible, the leaves are also visible. Then you don’t see that bird’s eye. If you also listen to these stories and read them, then this is your chance to bring them into your life. So the first thing is that you are worried about all these external things, secondly, sometimes this is the reason for nervousness in the exam, sometimes I feel that I am short of time, sometimes I feel that it would have been better if I had asked that question earlier. So the solution is to first read the entire question paper once. Then decide in your mind how much time will be spent on which answer. And decide your time in the same way. Now you eat food, when you sit down to eat, you eat a little while looking at the watch, thinking that you have to eat in twenty minutes. So it becomes a habit while eating. Yes brother, 20 minutes have passed and the food is also done. For this, a clock or a bell rings a little and says let’s start eating now, stop eating now, this does not happen. So this is from practice. Secondly, the biggest problem that I have seen nowadays is the reason for this problem. You tell me, when you go to give an exam, what do you do physically? You write by physically holding the pen in your hand, isn’t that what you do? The mind does its work but what you do is write. In today’s era, because of iPad, computer and mobile, my habit of writing has gradually reduced. Whereas one has to write in the exam. This means that if I have to prepare for the exam, I have to prepare myself for writing also. Nowadays there are very few people who have the habit of writing. Now that’s why you spend so much time daily in your studies after school. its minimum 50% time
I request my friends of today’s generation to please write as a big challenge in your exams. How much you remember, whether it was right or wrong, whether you write it right or write it wrong is a later topic. You concentrate on this in practice. If you focus on some such things, I am sure that you will not feel any discomfort or pressure after sitting in the exam hall because you are used to it. If you know how to swim, then you are not afraid of going into water because you know how to swim. You have seen in books that swimming happens like this and you think, yes, I have read that this is how the hands do it first, then the second hand, then the third hand, then the fourth hand. Then you think, yes, hands first, feet first. You have worked with your mind, as soon as you go inside the trouble starts again. But the one who starts practicing in water, no matter how deep the water is, he has confidence that he will cross it. And that’s why practice is very important, practice of writing is very important. And the more you write, the greater the sharpness. There will be sharpness in your thoughts also. And read what you have written three or four times and correct it yourself. The more you correct yourself, the greater your grip on it will be. So you will not have any problem sitting inside. Secondly, he is writing at great speed. I am adamant on the third question, he has moved on to the seventh. Baba, don’t waste your mind on this. He reached in 7th, he reached in 9th, whether he does it or not, I don’t know whether he would write the story of cinema, you believe in yourself, you believe in yourself. Leave aside who does what next door. The more you focus on yourself, the more you will focus on the question paper. The more you focus on the question paper, the more your answers will be word by word, and ultimately you will get the result, thanks.
Presenter – Thank you PM Sir, this formula of stress management will inspire us throughout our life. Prime Minister, Dheeraj Suthar, a student of Rajsamand Rajasthan who studies in Government Senior Secondary School, Kondwa, is present among us in this hall and wants to ask you a question. Dheeraj please ask your question.
Dheeraj Suthar – Hello Honorable Prime Minister, I am Dheeraj Suthar, I am from Government Higher Secondary School, Kondwa, Rajsamand Rajasthan. I am studying in 12th class. My question is how to manage studies along with exercise, because physical health is as important as mental health, please guide, thanks sir.
Prime Minister: Looking at your body, I think you have asked the right question. And your concern will also be correct.
Presenter – Thank you Dheeraj, PM of Ladakh, a major union territory of North India, famous for its cultural tradition and the bravery of the army soldiers deployed on the snowy peaks. Najma Khatoon, a student of Shri Kendriya Vidyalaya Kargil, is joining us through online medium, and the Prime Minister. Want to ask you a question, Najma please ask your question.
Najma Khatoon – Hello Honorable Prime Minister, my name is Najma Khatoon, I study in PM Shri Kendriya Vidyalaya, Kargil Ladakh. I am a student of class 10th. My question to you is how to balance between exam preparation and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, thanks.
Presenter – Thank you Najma, Tobi Lomi ji, a teacher from Naharlagun Government Higher Secondary School in Arunachal Pradesh, the tribal dominated state of North-East India, is present in this auditorium and wants to ask a question to the Prime Minister.
Tobi Lomi – Hello Honorable Prime Minister, my name is Tobi Lomi, I am a teacher, I come from Government Higher Secondary School, Naharlagun, Arunachal Pradesh. My question is what and how can students focus mainly on studies and not just sports, please guide, thanks sir.
Presenter- Thank you ma’am, Prime Minister Dheeraj, Najma and Tobi ji want your guidance on how to establish harmony between studies and healthy life.
Prime Minister: Many of you students must be using mobile phones. And some people may have become addicted to mobile phones for hours. But have you ever had such a thought in your mind that no, if I don’t keep my phone charging, my mobile usage will reduce, hence I will not recharge it. Will the mobile work if I don’t recharge? Will you do it? So things like mobile which we see everyday, do they also have to be charged or not? Hey, please answer? Do I have to recharge or not? If the mobile has to do this then should the body do it or not? Like charging in mobile phone, it is a requirement of mobile phone. Well, charging of our body is also a requirement of the body. If you think that you don’t want to study, then just study with the window closed, everything else is closed, this can never happen, life cannot be lived like this, and hence life has to be made a little balanced. There are some people who keep playing, that is also a problem, but when you have to give exams and in worldly life, these things have their own importance. These things cannot be avoided. But if we are not healthy, if we do not have that strength in our body, then it is possible that we will lose the ability to sit in the exam for three hours and then we will have to sit like this for five minutes. And hence a healthy body is very important for a healthy mind also. Now a healthy body does not mean that you have to do wrestling. This is not necessary, but there are certain rules in life. Now just imagine how much time you have spent under the open sky in sunlight. If you want to read, then take a book and sit in the sunlight for a while. Sometimes sunlight is also very important to recharge the body. Have you ever tried it? The rule is that no matter what I do during the day, I should at least find enough time so that I can have a relationship with sunlight. Similarly, no matter how much reading you do, never underestimate sleep. When your mother tells you to go to sleep, do not consider it as her interference. The ego of most of the students gets so hurt that who are you, go to sleep, and I have to give the exam tomorrow. I will sleep – I will not sleep – what does it concern you, we do this at home. Don’t speak about those who don’t do it, speak about those who do…do you? No one is speaking. But it is certain that even on the subject of sleep, once you get on the reel, you end up watching one reel after the other… You may want to hide it… I don’t know how much time has passed, I don’t know how much sleep has been lost. . What did you take out? Just take out the first reel…remember it, I don’t even remember…looking at it like this. In this way we underestimate sleep a lot.
Today, modern health science gives a lot of importance to sleep. Whether you get the required sleep or not is very important for your health. You should focus on that. This does not even mean that exams will keep coming…Modi ji had got it and he has said to sleep. Now make an artistic word here and as soon as you enter the house, write – Sleep. Show it to mom and dad…go to sleep, you don’t do that, right? Less sleep is bad for health. There are some upper people, who have taken their body to such a stage, they might be out of it. This is inappropriate for the life of a common man.
You try to get all the sleep you require and also see whether it is sound sleep or not. You must be sleeping very deeply. You will be surprised…the teachers who are sitting there are older teachers…you will definitely be shocked to hear this. Even today, I have so much work, not as much as you guys, but 365 days are no exception. If I don’t lie down on the bed and go into deep sleep within 30 seconds, it doesn’t happen. It takes 30 seconds. Me. Many of you may also be of young age…sometimes here, sometimes there, sometimes there, sometimes there, then when sleep comes, it will come. Why…I remain very alert during my remaining waking hours. So when I am awake, I am completely awake, when I am asleep, I am completely asleep. And that balance… those who are older must be worried… Yes, yes brother, we do not sleep at all, we keep changing sides like this for half an hour. And you can achieve this.
Then there is the topic of nutrition… balanced diet and the age you are in… things which are needed at that age, are there in your diet or not… one thing I like is that I just keep eating… the stomach gets full… sometimes I feel like Gets filled…but does not fulfill the needs of the body.
This period of 10th, 12th is like this, when you have exam environment, then decide one thing that I should keep taking as much as my body requires. Even parents should not tell their children to do this… no no… today you have made halwa, please eat more. Sometimes parents also feel that if they feed more quantity then the child is happy… no, it is his body… and there is no issue of wealth and poverty for this, he gets it from whatever things are available. It contains all the things… even the least expensive things which can cater to our nutrition. And hence balance in our diet…this is equally important for health.
And then exercise – whether we do wrestling exercises or not is a different matter… but we should do exercise for fitness. Just like you do daily toothbrush…in the same way no compromise…exercise should be done. I have seen some children who either go to the terrace or carry a book with them…keep reading…do both the tasks…there is nothing wrong. He also reads and takes a walk in the sunlight…he also gets exercise. Some way should be found in which your physical activity should continue. One should do dedicated physical activity for 5 minutes, 10 minutes. It is good if we can do more. If you bring these things naturally. You will do everything here amidst the stress of exams, if you don’t do that then it will not work. Balance it, you will benefit a lot. Thank you.

External pressure and stress:
Md. Arsh from Govt. Sarvodaya Bal Vidyalaya, Burari in Delhi and Dania Shabu from a private CBSE school in Oman brought up the topic of tackling external influences like cultural and societal expectations adding to additional pressure on kids. Even though PPC is in its seventh edition, the prime minister pointed out that issues pertaining to cultural and societal norms have always been raised. He emphasized the importance that educators play in reducing the negative effects that additional pressure from outside sources has on pupils, noting that parents have occasionally gone through similar experiences. He advocated developing the ability to withstand pressure and accepting it as a necessary aspect of life. By using the example of traveling from one extreme temperature condition to another, when the mind is already ready to encounter extreme weather conditions, the prime minister urged the students to psychologically prepare themselves. Additionally, he advised measuring stress levels and escalating them gradually so as not to impair the student’s performance. Rather of applying a methodical approach, Shri Modi advised educators, parents, and children to work together to alleviate the problem of external stress while advancing the process. Additionally, he recommended that families of students talk about various approaches that suit each of them.
Peer Pressure and Competition Among Friends
The Prime Minister discussed the importance of competition but stressed that it should be healthy in response to concerns about peer pressure and rivalry among friends made by Bhagya Laxmi from Govt Demonstration Multipurpose School in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Drashti Chauhan from JNV Panchmahal in Gujarat, and Swathi Dileep from Kendriya Vidyalaya, Calicut, Kerala. He made the observation that dysfunctional sibling rivalry frequently develops from the seeds of unhealthy competition sown in familial settings. PM Modi encouraged parents to refrain from comparing their kids to one another.
The prime minister showed an example of a film in which kids put mutual aid ahead of healthy competition. According to him, competing with oneself is more important than competing with friends, as a friend’s success does not limit one’s ability to perform well on an exam. The Prime Minister stated that this inclination can lead to a propensity to make friends with people who won’t be motivating. Additionally, he requested that the parents refrain from comparing their kids to other kids. Additionally, he encouraged them not to use their children’s accomplishments as a calling card. PM Modi urged pupils to celebrate their peers’ achievements.”Emotions of friendship are not exchangeable,” declared the prime minister.
Role of Teachers in Motivating Students:
In response to inquiries from Bunty Medi, a teacher from Sivasagar, Assam, and Shri Kondakanchi Sampatha Rao, a music teacher from ZP High School in Upparapalli, Andhra Pradesh, the Prime Minister shed light on the role that educators play in inspiring pupils. The prime minister emphasized that students—not just those in their class, but the entire school—can benefit from music’s capacity to reduce stress. From the first day of classes until the exam, Shri Modi stressed the importance of progressively growing the student-teacher association and promised to totally eradicate exam stress. In addition, he pushed teachers to interact with pupils more than just the things they were teaching. The Prime Minister stated that a personal connection between a doctor and patient is half the cure, using doctors as an example. Additionally, he recommended getting to know the family on a personal level and praising the students for their accomplishments prior to them. PM Modi continued, “Teachers have the responsibility of shaping students’ lives; they do not have a job role.”
Dealing with exam stress:
The Prime Minister was questioned about managing exam stress by Adrita Chakraborti of Pranavanda Bidya Mandir, West Tripura, Shaikh Taifur Rehman, a student from Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bastar, Chhattisgarh, and pupils from Adarsh Vidyalaya, Cuttack, Odisha, and Rajyalaxmi Acharya. The prime minister stressed the need of avoiding errors brought on by overzealous parents or overly earnest children. He advised the parents not to overly anticipate the exam day by buying new outfits, accessories, or stationery. In addition, he urged the students to avoid doing unnecessary damage to their environment, study until the very last minute, and approach tests with a calm attitude.
The prime minister warned the students that writing is becoming less common thanks to computers and phones, and that most tests are still written. He asked them to continue writing on a regular basis. He requested that they use half of their reading and study time for writing. He said that you can only really understand anything when you write it down. He encouraged them not to let the other students’ speed scare them.
Maintaining healthy lifestyle:
Dhiraj Subhas, a senior secondary school student from Rajasthan, Najma Khatoon, a student from PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya in Kargil, Ladakh, and Abhishek Kumar Tiwari, along with a teacher from Tobi Lahme, a government higher secondary school in Arunachal Pradesh, raised the issue of finding a balance between studying and exercise, asking the prime minister about it. In order to highlight the need of maintaining physical health, the prime minister brought up the necessity of recharging cell phones. He requested that people lead balanced lives and abstain from excess in all areas. According to PM Modi, “a healthy body is critical for a healthy mind.” He asked about obtaining regular, full sleep and spending time in the sun. He mentioned that maintaining a healthy lifestyle involves following certain habits. He made the point that bad behaviors like excessive screen time are depleting the necessary amount of sleep, which is highly valued by contemporary health research. The prime minister claimed that he had kept up a routine in his personal life where he falls asleep deeply in less than 30 seconds after turning in. “Achieving a balance between being fully awake when awake and getting sound sleep when asleep is possible,” he stated. PM Modi emphasized the need of a balanced diet when discussing nutrition. He also underlined the significance of consistent physical activity and exercise for fitness.
Role of Parents:
A kid from Puducherry Government Higher Secondary School named Deepasri asked the Prime Minister questions about the responsibility of parents and how pupils may develop trust. Deepasri joined the program via video conference from Delhi. The Prime Minister discussed the lack of trust in families and urged educators and parents to address this pressing problem. According to him, this shortfall is not an overnight phenomenon but rather the outcome of a protracted process that necessitates a thorough introspection of everyone’s behavior—teachers, parents, and children alike. According to him, open communication might lessen the likelihood of a trust deficit. Pupils ought to conduct themselves with honesty and sincerity. In a similar vein, parents ought to express their trust in their kids rather than their mistrust. Children that have a trust deficit may get depressed due to the distance they establish. The Prime Minister instructed the educators to refrain from showing partiality and to maintain open lines of communication with the students. He asked for an experiment and urged friends’ families to get together on a regular basis to talk about constructive things that can benefit kids.
How does the Prime Minister handle stress and stay positive?
M. Vagesh, a Modern Senior Secondary School student in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, questioned the Prime Minister regarding how he manages stress and pressure in his demanding position. In a same vein, Sneha Tyagi, an Uttarakhand student at Dynasty Modern Gurukul Academy in Udam Singh Nagar, wrote to the Prime Minister seeking advice on how to keep a positive outlook. In answer, the prime minister recognized the difficulties that come with his job and emphasized the value of meeting obstacles head-on as opposed to dodging them. He talked about his personal motto, “challenging every challenge,” highlighting the ongoing education that comes from handling unexpected circumstances.
The Prime Minister expressed his appreciation for the youth’s awareness of the demands of the Prime Ministership and his conviction that taking on obstacles head-on creates growth chances. He emphasized the value of the country’s unity, saying that problems may be solved in a variety of ways when 1.4 billion people stand behind you. The Prime Minister described his philosophy of government, emphasizing learning from failures, experience-driven decision-making, and priority.
The Prime Minister stressed the need of equipping people with the means to overcome obstacles in their daily lives in order to help eradicate poverty, citing the eradication of poverty as an example. During his term, he shared accomplishments that included bringing 25 crore people out of poverty. Speaking about the COVID-19 epidemic, he demonstrated the value of taking preventative action, organizing the populace, and building group resilience.
The Prime Minister emphasized the need for informed governance and direction at every level. He emphasized fortitude, saying that ignoring setbacks results in an optimistic perspective. He emphasized that when motives are free of self-interest, clarity emerges in decision-making that is unselfish. The Prime Minister wished all students well and encouraged them to work toward their goals in life so that they may help create a better future for the country as he concluded the conversation.
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It is crucial to instill resilience in our children and help them cope with pressures. pic.twitter.com/BmkH2O6vV6
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) January 29, 2024
Failures must not cause disappointments. Every mistake is a new learning. pic.twitter.com/crhbeRyldi
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) January 29, 2024
FAQ’s –Questions Ans. GK PM Modi:

1Q: What is the Pariksha Pe Charcha programme, and why did Prime Minister Narendra Modi describe it as an examination for himself?
Ans: The Pariksha Pe Charcha programme is an annual interaction organized by the Ministry of Education, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi engages with students, parents, and teachers. Modi described it as an examination for himself, indicating that the event is a significant and challenging opportunity for him to connect with the participants and address their concerns.
2Q: What advice did Prime Minister Modi offer to students regarding friendships?
Ans: Prime Minister Modi advised students to make friends who are more intelligent and work harder. He emphasized drawing inspiration from such friends and urged students not to let the pressure of studies and examinations overwhelm them.
3Q: How did Prime Minister Modi address the issue of parents treating their child’s report card as their own visiting card?
Ans: Modi cautioned parents against treating their child’s report card as their own visiting card. He highlighted the potential harm of comparing one child with another and discouraged such practices, emphasizing the uniqueness of each child.
4Q: According to Prime Minister Modi, what is crucial for children to cope with pressures, and why?
Ans: Prime Minister Modi stressed the importance of instilling resilience in children to help them cope with pressures. He mentioned that building the capability to handle various pressures is crucial for their overall development.
5Q: What advice did Prime Minister Modi give regarding balancing studies with a healthy life, especially in relation to mobile phone use?
Ans: Prime Minister Modi advised students not to use their sleep time for watching reels on mobile phones. He likened the need for recharging mobile phones to the necessity of recharging the body. Modi emphasized the importance of balance, stating that a healthy body is essential for a healthy mind.
6Q: How did Prime Minister Modi address the issue of parents showcasing their children’s achievements as their own?
Ans: Modi discouraged the practice of parents, who may not have achieved significant success, using their children’s achievements as their own visiting card. He emphasized the need to appreciate each child’s uniqueness and cautioned against comparing them to others.
7Q: In what context did Prime Minister Modi discuss the power of positive thinking?
Ans: Prime Minister Modi discussed the power of positive thinking in the context of facing challenges. He highlighted that positive thinking provides the strength to seek positive outcomes even in the most negative situations.
8Q: What is the overall theme of the interaction, and how did Prime Minister Modi conclude the event?
Ans: The overall theme of the interaction was to address the concerns and challenges faced by students, parents, and teachers, providing guidance and advice. Prime Minister Modi concluded the event by encouraging all students and conveying his best wishes for them to achieve their life goals.