UPSC GK Questions : Boost your UPSC exam preparation with General Knowledge questions and expert explanations.
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UPSC GK सवाल: An essential part of the UPSC Civil Services Exam is General Knowledge (GK), which assesses knowledge of a wide range of subjects. GK questions explore the breadth and depth of a candidate’s knowledge, ranging from current affairs to history, geography, and science. You can gain a significant advantage in the UPSC exam by mastering these papers.
Dr. Bharti Krishna Tilak is the father of GK. Swami Vagbhatanand was the one who started GK. Beyond national and global news, GK includes history, geography, politics, entertainment, and literature. In Hindi, GK का पूरा नाम General Knowledge है। Gaokao test is the world’s hardest
This website is designed to help people learn more about everything, and it is a collection of general knowledge questions about various subjects. These questions can be useful for all kinds of competitive exams, like SSC, IBPS Clerk, IBPS PO, RBI Assistant, IBPS SO, RRB, CTET, TET, BED, SCRA, UPSC, etc. General knowledge is knowledge about a wide range of subjects instead of detailed knowledge of a particular subject. General Awareness, 1000+ GK, One Line GK, Best GK, General Awareness. StudyPoint
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Important Topics for UPSC: GK Questions UPSC.
Q.1. What does UPSC stand for?
Q.1. यूपीएससी का क्या मतलब है?
- A. United Public Service Commission
- B. Union Public Service Commission
- C. Universal Public Service Commission
- D. United Personnel Service Commission
(Show Answer)
Answer:- B. Union Public Service Commission
— UPSC stands for Union Public Service Commission. It is a central agency in India responsible for conducting examinations for appointments to various civil services of the government, including the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS), and Indian Police Service (IPS), among others. —
Q.2. When was the UPSC established?
Q.2. यूपीएससी की स्थापना कब हुई थी?
- A. 15 august 1947
- B. 26 january 1950
- C. 1 october 1926
- D. 2 october 1935
(Show Answer)
Answer:- C. 1 october 1926
— The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) was established on October 1, 1926. It serves as India’s premier central recruiting agency for various civil services, including the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS), and Indian Police Service (IPS). The UPSC is responsible for conducting competitive examinations and interviews to select candidates for key government positions, ensuring a merit-based and transparent recruitment process. —
Q.3. Where is the headquarters of the UPSC located?
Q.3. यूपीएससी का मुख्यालय कहां स्थित है?
- A. Mumbai
- B. Kolkata
- C. Chennai
- D. New Delhi
(Show Answer)
Answer:- D. New Delhi
— The headquarters of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is located in New Delhi, India. Specifically, it is situated at Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road. This central location in the capital city serves as the primary office for administering and managing the various competitive examinations and recruitment processes conducted by the UPSC for civil services and other governmental positions. —
Q.4. What is the primary function of the UPSC?
Q. 4. यूपीएससी का प्राथमिक कार्य क्या है?
- A. Conducting elections
- B. Managing state-owned enterprises
- C. Conducting direct recruitment of officers to the All India Services and Central Civil Services
- D. Managing public health services
(Show Answer)
Answer:- C. Conducting direct recruitment of officers to the All India Services and Central Civil Services
— The primary function of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is to conduct direct recruitment of officers to the All India Services and Central Civil Services. This includes managing competitive examinations and interviews to ensure a merit-based and transparent selection process for key governmental positions, such as the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), and Indian Foreign Service (IFS). —
Q.5. Which part of the Indian Constitution grants the charter to the UPSC?
Q. 5. भारतीय संविधान का कौन सा भाग यूपीएससी को चार्टर प्रदान करता है?
- A. Part V
- B. Part IX
- C. Part XIV
- D. Part XVIII
(Show Answer)
Answer:- C. Part XIV
— Part XIV of the Indian Constitution, specifically Articles 315 to 323, provides the legal framework and charter for the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). This section details the establishment, composition, powers, and functions of the UPSC and ensures its role in conducting examinations for the recruitment of civil services and other posts.. —
Q.6. Who is the current chairperson of the UPSC?
Q. 6. यूपीएससी के वर्तमान अध्यक्ष कौन हैं?
- A. Preeti Sudan
- B. Satyapal Singh
- C. Arvind Saxena
- D. Deepak Gupta
(Show Answer)
Answer:- A. Preeti Sudan
— As of August 2024, the current Chairperson of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is Manoj Soni. He began his term on April 5, 2022. Prior to his appointment, he served as a member of the UPSC and has a distinguished career in academia and public service. As Chairperson, he oversees the commission’s functions, including conducting examinations for recruitment to various civil services and government positions.. —
Q.7. Which body is the UPSC required to report to directly?
Q.7. यूपीएससी को सीधे किस निकाय को रिपोर्ट करना आवश्यक है?
- A. Prime Minister
- B. President of India
- C. Chief Justice of India
- D. Parliament
(Show Answer)
Answer:- B. President of India
— The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is required to report directly to the President of India. The UPSC submits its annual reports and other important documents to the President, who, in turn, presents them to the Parliament. This reporting ensures transparency and accountability in the commission’s activities and its role in the recruitment process for civil services. —
Q.8. Under which Ministry does the UPSC operate?
Q. 8. यूपीएससी किस मंत्रालय के अधीन कार्य करता है?
- A. Ministry of Home Affairs
- B. Ministry of Defence
- C. Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
- D. Ministry of Finance
(Show Answer)
Answer:- C. Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
— The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) operates independently and does not fall directly under any ministry. However, it functions in coordination with the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances, and Pensions for administrative support and oversight. The UPSC’s independence ensures its impartiality and autonomy in conducting examinations and recruitment processes. —
Q.9. What was the original name of the UPSC when it was established in 1926?
Q.9. 1926 में जब यूपीएससी की स्थापना हुई थी तब इसका मूल नाम क्या था?
- A. Federal Public Service Commission
- B. Central Public Service Commission
- C. Indian Public Service Commission
- D. Public Service Commission
(Show Answer)
Answer:- D. Public Service Commission
— When it was established in 1926, the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) was originally known as the “Federal Public Service Commission.” After India’s independence in 1947, it was renamed the “Union Public Service Commission” to reflect the new constitutional framework and the role it would play in recruiting for the Union of India. —
Q.10. Which of the following is true about the UPSC’s advisory role?
Q.10. यूपीएससी की सलाहकार भूमिका के बारे में निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा कथन सत्य है?
- A. Its advice is always binding on the Government.
- B. It can only advise on matters of recruitment.
- C. It can advise the Government through the President, but the advice is not binding.
- D. It does not have an advisory role.
(Show Answer)
Answer:- C. It can advise the Government through the President, but the advice is not binding.
— The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) can advise the Government through the President, but its advice is not binding. While the UPSC provides recommendations on matters related to recruitment, promotions, and disciplinary actions, the final decisions are made by the government. This advisory role helps ensure that appointments and administrative decisions are based on merit and fairness. —
Q.11. What significant change occurred to the UPSC as a result of the Government of India Act 1935?
Q11. भारत सरकार अधिनियम 1935 के परिणामस्वरूप यूपीएससी में क्या महत्वपूर्ण परिवर्तन हुआ?
- A. It was renamed the Union Public Service Commission.
- B. It was dissolved.
- C. It was reconstituted as the Federal Public Service Commission.
- D. It gained the power to conduct elections.
(Show Answer)
Answer:- C. It was reconstituted as the Federal Public Service Commission.
— The UPSC was established as the “Federal Public Service Commission” in 1926. The significant change resulting from the Government of India Act 1935 was that it became a statutory body, with enhanced powers and responsibilities under the new federal structure. The name “Federal Public Service Commission” remained until after independence, when it was renamed the “Union Public Service Commission.” —
Q.12. What are the geographical coordinates of the UPSC headquarters?
Q.12. यूपीएससी मुख्यालय के भौगोलिक निर्देशांक क्या हैं?
- A. 28.6080°N, 77.2269°E
- B. 28.7041°N, 77.1025°E
- C. 28.6139°N, 77.2090°E
- D. 28.5355°N, 77.3910°E
(Show Answer)
Answer:- A. 28.6080°N, 77.2269°E
— The geographical coordinates of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) headquarters are approximately 28.6080° N latitude and 77.2269° E longitude. The UPSC is located at Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi. These coordinates place the UPSC in the central part of the Indian capital, ensuring its accessibility and central role in overseeing civil service recruitment and administrative functions. —

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