MCQ Quiz on PM Narendra Modi in Hindi: Gk in hindi – प्रधानमंत्री मोदी के बारे में आप कितना जानते हैं? चेक करें अपनी नॉलेज. GK Modi. Study Point. gk in English Gk India. All Exam In GK
PM: GK- Modi
Narendra Modi was elected the 18th Prime Minister of India in the 2014 general elections. He was born on 17 September 1950 in Vadnagar. He started his political career as a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and then held the position of Prime Minister from 2014 to present. Gk All Group, GK All Group. GK in Hindi. GK Modi or Current Affairs GK. PM News GK.
Q.273. What is the minimum price of sugarcane guaranteed to farmers even if the sugar recovery is lesser?
Q.273. चीनी रिकवरी कम होने पर भी किसानों को गन्ने के न्यूनतम मूल्य की क्या गारंटी है?
- A). ₹ 310/quintal
- B). ₹ 315/quintal
- C). ₹ 320/quintal
- D). ₹ 325/quintal
(Show Answer)
Answer:- B). ₹ 315/quintal
Q.274. How much additional price do farmers get for each increase of recovery by 0.1%?
Q.274. वसूली में प्रत्येक 0.1% की वृद्धि पर किसानों को कितनी अतिरिक्त कीमत मिलती है?
- A). ₹ 3.00
- B). ₹ 3.10
- C). ₹ 3.22
- D). ₹ 3.32
(Show Answer)
Answer:- D). ₹ 3.32
Q.275. What is the aim of ensuring the world’s cheapest sugar to domestic consumers by the Indian government despite paying the highest price of sugarcane in the world?
Q.275. विश्व में गन्ने की सबसे अधिक कीमत चुकाने के बावजूद भारत सरकार द्वारा घरेलू उपभोक्ताओं को विश्व की सबसे सस्ती चीनी सुनिश्चित करने का क्या उद्देश्य है?
- A). To benefit the sugar mills
- B). To ensure profits for sugarcane farmers
- C). To compete with international sugar prices
- D). To support the sugar industry
(Show Answer)
Answer:-B). To ensure profits for sugarcane farmers
Q.276. What percentage higher is the new FRP compared to the A2+FL cost of sugarcane?
Q.276. गन्ने की A2+FL लागत की तुलना में नई FRP कितने प्रतिशत अधिक है?
- A). 95%
- B). 100%
- C). 107%
- D). 110%
(Show Answer)
Answer:- C). 107%
Q.277. How much of the previous sugar season 2022-23 cane dues have been paid to farmers according to the information provided?
Q.277. दी गई जानकारी के अनुसार पिछले चीनी सीजन 2022-23 का कितना गन्ना बकाया किसानों को भुगतान किया गया है?
- A). 90%
- B). 95%
- C). 99.5%
- D). 100%
(Show Answer)
Answer:- C). 99.5%
Q.278. What policy intervention has led to the lowest cane arrears pending in the history of the sugar sector?
Q.278. किस नीतिगत हस्तक्षेप के कारण चीनी क्षेत्र के इतिहास में सबसे कम गन्ना बकाया बकाया हो गया है?
- A). Timely payment of FRP to farmers
- B). Financial assistance to sugar mills
- C). Timely policy interventions by the Government
- D). Government subsidies to sugar mills
(Show Answer)
Answer:-C). Timely policy interventions by the Government
Q.279. How have sugar mills become self-sustainable according to the information provided?
Q.279. दी गई जानकारी के अनुसार चीनी मिलें कैसे आत्मनिर्भर हो गई हैं?
- A). Through increased government subsidies
- B). Through timely policy interventions by the Government
- C). Through financial assistance from the Government
- D). Through international collaborations
(Show Answer)
Answer:- B). Through timely policy interventions by the Government
Q.280. What is the total number of sugarcane farmers expected to benefit from the approved FRP?
Q.280. अनुमोदित एफआरपी से लाभान्वित होने वाले गन्ना किसानों की कुल संख्या कितनी है?
- A). 1 crore
- B). 3 crore
- C). 5 crore
- D). 7 crore
(Show Answer)
Answer:-C). 5 crore
Q.281. What is the effective date from which the revised Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) of sugarcane for the Sugar Season 2024-25 will be applicable?
- A). 01 Jan 2024
- B). 01 Apr 2024
- C). 01 Jul 2024
- D). 01 Oct 2024
(Show Answer)
Answer:- D). 01 Oct 2024
Q.282. How does the increase in the Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) of sugarcane align with the Modi government’s commitment?
- A). It contradicts the government’s commitment to double farmers’ income
- B). It contributes to the fulfillment of the government’s promise to double farmers’ income
- C). It signifies the government’s focus on increasing industrial profits
- D). It prioritizes the interests of the sugar mills over the farmers
(Show Answer)
Answer:-B). It contributes to the fulfillment of the government’s promise to double farmers’ income
Q.283. What is the primary reason for ensuring the world’s cheapest sugar to domestic consumers despite paying the highest price of sugarcane in the world?
Q.283. विश्व में गन्ने की सबसे अधिक कीमत चुकाने के बावजूद घरेलू उपभोक्ताओं को विश्व की सबसे सस्ती चीनी सुनिश्चित करने का प्राथमिक कारण क्या है?
- A). To promote international trade
- B). To attract foreign investment
- C). To ensure affordability for domestic consumers
- D). To increase profits for sugar mills
(Show Answer)
Answer:- C). To ensure affordability for domestic consumers
Q.284. What percentage of cane dues from the previous sugar season 2022-23 have been paid to farmers, as per the information provided?
Q.284. दी गई जानकारी के अनुसार, पिछले चीनी सीज़न 2022-23 का कितना प्रतिशत गन्ना बकाया किसानों को भुगतान किया गया है?
- A). 90%
- B). 95%
- C). 99.5%
- D). 100%
(Show Answer)
Answer:- C). 99.5%
Q.285. What is the aim of the Indian government’s policy to ensure ‘Assured FRP and Assured Procurement’ of sugarcane to farmers?
Q.285. किसानों को गन्ने की ‘सुनिश्चित एफआरपी और सुनिश्चित खरीद’ सुनिश्चित करने की भारत सरकार की नीति का उद्देश्य क्या है?
- A). To increase government control over the sugar sector
- B). To reduce competition among sugar mills
- C). To provide stability and assurance to sugarcane farmers
- D). To limit the production of sugar
(Show Answer)
Answer:- C). To provide stability and assurance to sugarcane farmers

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- PM Modi pariksha pe charcha: PM engages with parents, teachers, and students.
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- GK Modi, Narendra Modi: Current Affairs GK -January, 2024
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