भारत सामान्य ज्ञान (India General Knowledge) GK Modi

India GK All Group:
India Gk, home to one of the world’s oldest civilizations, is a vibrant country with a rich cultural legacy. Simultaneously, India has evolved with the times and achieved multifarious social and economic advancements in the years after its independence. India is the seventh-largest country in the world by land area. India possesses a unique personality based on its geographical location. Its borders are the Bay of Bengal in the east, the Arabian Sea in the west, the Indian Ocean in the south, and the Himalayan mountain range in the north. Let’s familiarize ourselves with additional factual data regarding India. GK Railway GK In Hind – All group – Downloads
Q. Which organization is responsible for India’s space research and exploration?
Q. भारत के अंतरिक्ष अनुसंधान और अन्वेषण के लिए कौन सा संगठन जिम्मेदार है?
- D) ESA
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Answer:- B) ISRO
— The organization responsible for India’s space research and exploration is the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). Established in 1969, ISRO is headquartered in Bengaluru and has been instrumental in advancing India’s space capabilities, launching satellites, conducting planetary explorations, and promoting the use of space technology for national development. —
Q. When did the Sikhs snatch the throne from the Pal dynasty?
Q. सिखों ने कुल्लू के पाल वंश से राजगद्दी कब छीन ली थी ?
- A) In 1940 AD
- B) In 1840 AD
- C) In 1740 AD
- D) In 1640 AD
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Answer:- B) In 1840 AD
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Q. In which of the following districts of Himachal Pradesh is the catechu industry concentrated?
Q. हिमाचल प्रदेश में के निम्न में से किस जिले में कत्था उद्योग केंद्रित है ?
- A) Kangra
- B) calf
- C) Darla
- D) Shimla
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Answer:- A) Kangra
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Q. In which year did Taimurlang attack Kangra?
Q. तैमूरलंग ने किस वर्ष कांगड़ा पर आक्रमण किया था ?
- A) 1375 A.D.
- B) 1398 A.D.
- C) 1401 A.D.
- D) 1450 A.D.
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Answer:- B) 1398 A.D.
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Q. The ruler of which princely state helped Mughal emperor Jahangir in capturing the Kangra fort?
Q. किस रियासत के शासक ने मुग़ल सम्राट जहांगीर की कांगड़ा का किला हस्तगत करने में मदद की ?
- A) Noorpur
- B) Guler
- C) Chamba
- D) Nalagarh
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Answer:- A) Noorpur
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Q. Shahjahan in 1645 B.C. Which state of Nurpur state was sent to control the Uzbeks of Balkh?
Q. शाहजहाँ ने 1645 ई.पू. में नूरपुर रियासत के किस राज्य को बल्ख के उजबेकों पर नियंत्रण करने के लिए भेजा था?
- A) Basdev
- B) Jagat Singh
- C) Prithvi Singh
- D) Rajroop Singh
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Answer:- B) Jagat Singh
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Q. What was the primary objective of India’s Mars Orbiter Mission (Mangalyaan)?
Q. भारत के मार्स ऑर्बिटर मिशन (मंगलयान) का प्राथमिक उद्देश्य क्या था?
- A) To Develop Lunar Landing Technology
- B) To Explore Mars’ Surface And Atmosphere
- C) To Establish A Space Station
- D) To Launch A Satellite Into Geostationary Orbit
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Answer:- B) To Explore Mars’ Surface And Atmosphere
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Q. Darashikoh’s wife treated the king of which state as her son?
Q. दाराशिकोह की पत्नी ने किस रियासत के राजा को अपने बेटे की तरह माना ?
- A) Sirmaur
- B) Kangra
- C) Guler
- D) Noorpur
(Show Answer)
Answer:- D) Noorpur
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Q. To whom did the Mughal emperor Akbar grant Kangra as a jagir?
Q. मुग़ल सम्राट अकबर ने जागीर के रूप में कांगड़ा किसे प्रदान किया था ?
- A) Todarmal
- B) Mansingh
- C) Bhagwandas
- D) Birbal
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Answer:- D) Birbal
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Q. Which Mughal emperor had imprisoned Jaichand, the ruler of Kangra?
Q. कांगड़ा के शासक जयचंद को किस मुग़ल बादशाह ने कैद कर लिया था ?
- A) Orangeism
- B) Shahjahan
- C) Jahangir
- D) Akbar
(Show Answer)
Answer:- D) Akbar
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Q. Which king of Himachal was given the title of Chhatrapati by Aurangabad?
Q. हिमाचल के किस राजा को औरंगवाद ने छत्रपति का खिताव दिया था ?
- A) Padam Singh
- B) Pahad Chand
- C) Kehri Singh
- D) Sumer Chand
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Answer:- C) Kehri Singh
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Q. Which Muslim ruler built the mosque inside the Nagarkot fort?
Q. नागरकोट के किले के भीतर किस मुस्लिम शासक ने मस्जिद का निर्माण करवाया था ?
- A) Firozshah Tughlaq
- B) Akbar
- C) Aurangzeb
- D) Jahangir
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Answer:- D) Jahangir
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Q. Which ruler expanded his kingdom after the disintegration of the Mughal Empire?
Q. मुग़ल साम्राज्य के विघटन के बाद किस शासक ने अपने राज्य का विस्तार किया ?
- A) Raja Ghamandchand
- B) Raja Roopchand
- C) Raja Vidhichand
- D) Maharaj Ranjit Singh
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Answer:- A) Raja Ghamandchand
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Q. Where is the historical place named Mahalmoriya located where there was a war between King Sansarchandra and Gorkhas?
Q. महलमोरिया नामक ऐतिहासिक स्थल जहाँ राजा संसारचन्द्र एवं गोरखों के बीच युद्ध हुआ था, कहाँ स्थित है ?
- A) Chamba
- B) Hamirpur
- C) Kangra
- D) Shimla
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Answer:- B) Hamirpur
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Q. Which mission made India the first Asian country to reach Mars?
Q. किस मिशन ने भारत को मंगल ग्रह पर पहुंचने वाला पहला एशियाई देश बनाया?
- A) Chandrayaan-1
- B)Chandrayaan-2
- C) Mangalyaan
- D) Astrosat
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Answer:- C) Mangalyaan
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Q. When did King Ghamandi expand his empire?
Q. किसने राजा घमण्डचंद को अपने साम्राज्य का आगे विस्तार करने से रोका ?
- A) Jai Singh
- B) Ahmedshah Abdali
- C) Jassa Singh
- D) Amarsingh Thapa
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Answer:- C) Jassa Singh
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Q. In which of the following states is the mountain tourism center named Dalhousie located?
Q. डलहौजी नामक पर्वतीय पर्यटन केंद्र निम्नलिखित में से किस राज्य में स्थित है ?
- A) Jammu and Kashmir
- B) Goa
- C) Kerala
- D) Himachal Pradesh
(Show Answer)
Answer:- D) Himachal Pradesh
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Read More: PM list of india: GK Question Answer, All PM list, GK Modi In india gk in hindi