भारत सामान्य ज्ञान (India General Knowledge) GK Modi

India GK All Group:
India Gk, home to one of the world’s oldest civilizations, is a vibrant country with a rich cultural legacy. Simultaneously, India has evolved with the times and achieved multifarious social and economic advancements in the years after its independence. India is the seventh-largest country in the world by land area. India possesses a unique personality based on its geographical location. Its borders are the Bay of Bengal in the east, the Arabian Sea in the west, the Indian Ocean in the south, and the Himalayan mountain range in the north. Let’s familiarize ourselves with additional factual data regarding India. GK Railway GK In Hind – All group – Downloads
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Q. In which year was the Mars Orbiter Mission (Mangalyaan) launched?
Q. मार्स ऑर्बिटर मिशन (मंगलयान) किस वर्ष लॉन्च किया गया था?
- A) 2008
- B) 2010
- C) 2013
- D) 2015
(Show Answer)
Answer:- C) 2013
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Q. Where does Kaveri river fall?
Q. कावेरी नदी गिरती है ?
- A) in the Arabian Sea
- B) In the Bay of Bengal
- C) Karnataka and Tamil Nadu
- D) In Palk Strait
(Show Answer)
Answer:- B) In the Bay of Bengal
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Q. Where is Khabar Pass?
Q. खैबर का दर्रा कहा है ?
- A) Bhutan
- B) Pakistan
- C) India
- D) Bangladesh
(Show Answer)
Answer:- B) Pakistan
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Q. Which of the following passes is located in the Himalayan region?
Q. निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा दर्रा हिमालय प्रदेश में स्थित है ?
- A) Pacha La
- B) Wara La
- C) Jalepla
- D) Shipki La
(Show Answer)
Answer:- C) Jalepla
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Q. Where is Tyagaraja Aradhana festival celebrated?
Q. त्यागराज अराधना त्यौहार कहाँ मनाया जाता है ?
- A) Adyar
- B) Udipi
- C) Mamlapuram
- D) Thanjavur
(Show Answer)
Answer:- D) Thanjavur
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Q. Whose main festival is Bihu?
Q. बिहू किसका मुख्य पर्व है ?
- A) Assam
- B) Orissa
- C) Jharkhand
- D) Bihar
(Show Answer)
Answer:- A) Assam
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Q.Chhath Puja is whose main festival?
Q.छठ पूजा किसका प्रमुख त्योहार है?
- A) Assam
- B) Orissa
- C) Jharkhand
- D) Bihar
(Show Answer)
Answer:- D) Bihar
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Q.Whose main festival is Mopin?
Q.मोपिन किसका प्रमुख त्यौहार है ?
- A) Assam
- B) Arunachal Pradesh
- C) Jharkhand
- D) Bihar
(Show Answer)
Answer:- B) Arunachal Pradesh
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Q. What is the primary feature of the Aadhaar system in India?
Q. भारत में आधार प्रणाली की प्राथमिक विशेषता क्या है?
- A) It Is A Social Security System
- B) It Provides Biometric Identification
- C) It Tracks Real-Time Health Data
- D) It Monitors Educational Progress
(Show Answer)
Answer:- B) It Provides Biometric Identification
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Q. On which day was Hazrat Jesus Christ crucified?
Q. हजरत ईसामसीह को सूली पर किस दिन चढ़ाया गया था ?
- A) Easter Sunday
- B) Palm Sunday
- C) Maundy Thursday
- D) Jaggery Friday
(Show Answer)
Answer:- D) Jaggery Friday
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Q. In whose memory is Eid-ul-Zuha celebrated?
Q. ईद-उल-जुहा किसकी याद में मनाया जाता है ?
- (A) Prophet Muhammad
- (B) Hazrat Abu Bakr
- (C) Hazrat Ali
- (D) Hazrat Ibrahim
(Show Answer)
Answer:- (D) Hazrat Ibrahim
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Q. What is the main festival of Bihar?
Q. बिहार का मुख्य त्यौहार है ?
- A) Vaisakhi
- B) Chhath
- C) Pongal
- D) Onam
(Show Answer)
Answer:- B) Chhath
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Q. What is Parsi New Year Day called?
Q. पारसी नववर्ष दिवस कहलाता है ?
- A) Navroz
- B) Navdin
- C) Navratri
- D) None of these
(Show Answer)
Answer:- A) Navroz
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Q. Which deity is worshiped in Chhath festival?
Q. छठ पर्व में किस देवता की पूजा होती है ?
- A) Shiva
- B) Moon
- C) Sun
- D) Durga
(Show Answer)
Answer:- A) Navroz
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