India GK – India GK In Hindi/English – Bharat GK

भारत सामान्य ज्ञान (India General Knowledge) GK Modi

Gk Question Answer in Hindi-English:

Bharat GK
Bharat GK – India GK

India GK All Group:

India Gk, home to one of the world’s oldest civilizations, is a vibrant country with a rich cultural legacy. Simultaneously, India has evolved with the times and achieved multifarious social and economic advancements in the years after its independence. India is the seventh-largest country in the world by land area. India possesses a unique personality based on its geographical location. Its borders are the Bay of Bengal in the east, the Arabian Sea in the west, the Indian Ocean in the south, and the Himalayan mountain range in the north. Let’s familiarize ourselves with additional factual data regarding India. GK Railway GK In Hind – All group – Downloads

Q.201. Who was the first Indian woman to win an Olympic medal?

Q.201. ओलंपिक पदक जीतने वाली पहली भारतीय महिला कौन थी?

  • A). Karnam Malleswari
  • B). P.V. Sindhu
  • C). Mary Kom
  • D). Saina Nehwal
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Answer:- A). Karnam Malleswari

–Karnam Malleswari was the first Indian woman to win an Olympic medal। At the 2000 Sydney Olympics, she lifted 69 kg and won bronze. Her performance was a major milestone in Indian sports history.–

Q.202. What is the number of states in India with coastline?

Q.202. भारत में समुद्री तट रेखा वाले राज्यों की संख्या कितनी है ?

  • A). 10
  • B). 8
  • C). 9
  • D). 6
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Answer:-C). 9

–India’s coastline covers about 7,516 kilometers (4,670 miles). Nine Indian states have coastlines: Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha और पश्चिम बंगाल.–

Q.203. The Victoria Memorial is located in which Indian city?

Q.203. विक्टोरिया मेमोरियल किस भारतीय शहर में स्थित है?

  • A). Delhi
  • B). Kolkata
  • C). Mumbai
  • D). Chennai
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Answer:- B). Kolkata

–The Victoria Memorial is in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. It is a gorgeous marble structure dedicated to Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom. A museum covers Kolkata’s history and the British presence in India at the memorial.–

Q.204. What is the southern part of mainland India?

Q.204. भारत की मुख्य भूमि का दक्षिणी नोक है ?

  • A). Calimere Point
  • B). Cape Comorin
  • D). Indira Pavant
  • D). None of these
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Answer:- B). Cape Comorin

–Cape Comorin, sometimes referred to as Kanyakumari, is the southernmost point of the Indian mainland. It is in Tamil Nadu, a state in the south of the Indian Peninsula, where the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal, and the Indian Ocean meet. Cape Comorin is a popular tourist destination for its beautiful sunrise and sunset views over the sea. It is also famous for its historical and cultural significance.–

Q.205. The Indian Parliament is composed of how many houses?

Q.205. भारतीय संसद कितने सदनों से मिलकर बनी है?

  • A). One
  • B). Two
  • C). Three
  • D). Four
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Answer:- B). Two

–Indian Parliament has two Houses: 1.The Lok Sabha (People’s House): It is the lower house of Parliament and represents Indians। Through general elections, the people directly elect Lok Sabha members. 2. Rajya Sabha, या राज्यसभा: It is the Parliament’s upper house and represents the Indian states and union territories. According to a proportional representation system, members of the Rajya Sabha are elected by the elected members of the State Legislative Assemblies and by the members of the Union Territories Electoral College.–

Q.206. Which is the southernmost point of India?

Q.206. भारत का सबसे दक्षिणी बिन्दु है ?

  • A). Cape Comorin
  • B). Calimere Point
  • C). Indira Point
  • D). Noriman Point
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Answer:- C). Indira Point

–Indira Point, sometimes referred to as Pygmalion Point, is on Great Nicobar Island in the Nicobar Islands archipelago. यह India का southernmost point है। It is located at 6° 45′ N। Indira Point is right next to the northern end of the Indonesian archipelago. It is also the southernmost point of India.–

Q.207. Which Indian state is known as the “Land of Forests”?

Q.207. भारत के किस राज्य को “वनों की भूमि” के नाम से जाना जाता है?

  • A). Kerala
  • B). Jharkhand
  • C). Gujarat
  • D). Goa
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Answer:- B). Jharkhand

–Although Jharkhand is famous for its abundant forest cover, it is not often called the “Land of Forests. “Madhya Pradesh is the state that is often associated with this title. Madhya Pradesh, located in central India, is known as “The Heart of India” and “The Land of Forests” for its vast forested areas, which include thick forests, national parks, and wildlife sanctuaries”.–

Q.208. Which line serves as the border between India and China?

Q.208. भारत और चीन के बीच कौन-सी रेखा सीमा निर्धारण करने का कार्य करती है ?

  • A). Radcliffe Line
  • B). Durand Line
  • C). McMahon Line
  • D). None of these
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Answer:-C). McMahon Line

–India and China in the eastern region are bound by the McMahon Line. It was drawn as the boundary between Tibet and British India in the Simla Convention of 1914, which was signed between Tibet, China, and British India. Hindistan and China still dispute the border, and China does not recognize the McMahon Line.–

Q.209. Who was the first Indian to win the Nobel Prize in Physics?

Q.209. भौतिकी में नोबेल पुरस्कार जीतने वाले पहले भारतीय कौन थे?

  • A). C.V. Raman
  • B). Rabindranath Tagore
  • C). Mother Teresa
  • D). Amartya Sen
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Answer:- A). C.V. Raman

–Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman, also known as C. V. Raman, was the first Indian to receive the Nobel Prize in Physics. In 1930, he was given the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on light scattering and the Raman effect which showed how light changes its wavelength when it interacts with molecules in a medium.–

Q.210. The line dividing India and Pakistan is called?

Q.210. भारत एवं पाकिस्तान को विभाजित करने वाली रेखा कहलाती है ?

  • A), Radcliffe Line
  • B), Durand Line
  • C), McMahon Line
  • D), None of these
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Answer:- A). Radcliffe Line

–The “Radcliffe Line” is the line that divides India and Pakistan. It was named after Sir Cyril Radcliffe, who was the chairman of the Boundary Commission, which was responsible for marking the line between India and Pakistan when British India was split in 1947. After the two countries gained independence, the Radcliffe Line became their official border.–

Q.211. The famous Indian monument “Charminar” is located in which city?

Q.211. प्रसिद्ध भारतीय स्मारक “चारमीनार” किस शहर में स्थित है?

  • A). Hyderabad
  • B). Lucknow
  • C). Ahmedabad
  • D). Jaipur
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Answer:- A). Hyderabad

–Hyderabad, Telangana, is home to the famous Indian monument “Charminar”. It was built in 1591, and it is a historical and iconic building. It is famous for its distinctive design and four big arches. Hyderabad’s rich cultural heritage is represented by Charminar, a popular tourist attraction.–

Q.212. With which country does India have the longest land border?

Q.212. भारत की सबसे लम्बी स्थलीय सीमा किस देश के साथ है ?

  • A). Pakistan
  • B). China
  • C). Bangladesh
  • D). Myanmar
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Answer:-C). Bangladesh

–India and Bangladesh have the longest border. The border between India and Bangladesh is 4,096 kilometers (2,545 miles) long and covers many states in both countries. This border is important for the trade, cultural exchanges, and geopolitical ties between the two countries.–

Q.213. Who was the first woman Prime Minister of India?

Q.213. भारत की पहली महिला प्रधान मंत्री कौन थी?

  • A). Indira Gandhi
  • B). Sonia Gandhi
  • C). Pratibha Patil
  • D). Mamata Banerjee
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Answer:- A). Indira Gandhi

–Indira Gandhi was the first woman Prime Minister of India. She was the Indian Prime Minister from 1966 to 1977 and again from 1980 to 1984. During her tenure as a prominent political figure, Indira Gandhi changed India’s political scene.–

Q.214. By what name is the eastern sea coast of India known?

Q.214. भारत का पूर्वी समुद्री तट किस नाम से जाना जाता है ?

  • A). Digha coast
  • B). Malawar Coast
  • C). Konkan Coast
  • D). Coromandel Coast
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Answer:- D). Coromandel Coast

–The term “Coromandel Coast” refers to India’s eastern sea coast. This stretch of coast, facing the Bay of Bengal, lies along the eastern side of the Indian Peninsula.  The Coromandel Coast is famous for its diverse ecosystems, rich cultural heritage, and historical significance, including ancient trade routes and colonial settlements.–

Q.215. The famous Indian monument “Lotus Temple” is located in which city?

Q.215. प्रसिद्ध भारतीय स्मारक “लोटस टेम्पल” किस शहर में स्थित है?

  • A). New Delhi
  • B). Mumbai
  • C). Kolkata
  • D). Chennai
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Answer:-A). New Delhi

–New Delhi, India’s capital city, has the world-renowned Indian monument “Lotus Temple.” It is a Bahá’í House of Worship, which is famous for its stunning lotus-like architecture, which has earned it the moniker “Lotus Temple”. India’s Lotus Temple is a major attraction and a representation of religious tolerance and unity.–

Q.216. In which hemisphere is India located?

Q.216. भारत किस गोलार्द्ध में स्थित है ?

  • A). Southern and Eastern
  • B). Northern and Eastern
  • C). Northern and Western
  • D). None of these
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Answer:- B). Northern and Eastern

–India is in the north hemisphere. It is situated between latitudes 8°4’N and 37°6’N and longitudes 68°7’E and 97°25’E, entirely north of the equator. This puts India in the northern half of the planet.–

Q.217. The famous Indian festival “Durga Puja” is primarily celebrated in which state?

Q.217. प्रसिद्ध भारतीय त्योहार “दुर्गा पूजा” मुख्य रूप से किस राज्य में मनाया जाता है?

  • A). West Bengal
  • B). Assam
  • C). Bihar
  • D). Odisha
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Answer:- A). West Bengal

–West Bengal, India, is home to the most famous Indian festival “Durga Puja”. It is one of the most important festivals in the area and is dedicated to worshiping Goddess Durga. Durga Puja is when elaborate pandals (temporary structures) are erected and large celebrations are held all over the state, especially in Kolkata, the West Bengal capital city.–

Q.218. In which state is India’s largest wavelength Jawaharlal Range located?

Q.218. भारत की सबसे बड़ी सुरंग जवाहर सुरंग किस राज्य में अवस्थित है ?

  • A). State place
  • B). West Bengal
  • C). Rajasthan
  • D). Himachal Pradesh
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Answer:- C). Rajasthan

–Rajasthan has India’s largest wavelength, Jawaharlal Range. This range is part of the Aravalli Range system, which covers the state’s western region. The Jawaharlal Range in the Aravalli Range, which is one of India’s oldest mountains, is notable for its scenic beauty and geological significance.–

Q.219. The famous Indian monument “India Gate” is located in which city?

Q.219. प्रसिद्ध भारतीय स्मारक “इंडिया गेट” किस शहर में स्थित है?

  • A). New Delhi
  • B). Mumbai
  • C). Kolkata
  • D). Chennai
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Answer:- A). New Delhi

–New Delhi, India’s capital city, has the world-famous Indian monument “India Gate”. It is a war memorial designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens to honor the Indian Army soldiers who lost their lives in the First World War and the Third Anglo-Afghan War.–

Q.220. Siachen Maker is in which state of India?

Q.220. सियाचिन ग्लेशियर भारत के किस राज्य में है ?

  • A). Himachal Pradesh
  • B). Uttar Pradesh
  • C). Jammu and Kashmir
  • D). Sikkim
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Answer:- C). Jammu and Kashmir

–Siachen Glacier, which is often referred to as the “Siachen Glacier,” is in the northern region of Jammu and Kashmir, which is under Indian control. In the eastern Karakoram Range of the Himalayas, it is the highest battlefield in the world.–

Q.221. The famous Indian monument “Hawa Mahal” is located in which city?

Q.221. प्रसिद्ध भारतीय स्मारक “हवा महल” किस शहर में स्थित है?

  • A). Jaipur
  • B). Udaipur
  • C). Jodhpur
  • D). Bikaner
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Answer:-A). Jaipur

–Jaipur, India’s capital state of Rajasthan, is home to the world-renowned Indian monument “Hawa Mahal”.  Hawa Mahal, sometimes referred to as the “Palace of Winds”, is a stunning architectural marvel. It has a unique façade with a lot of small windows, or “jharokhas,” which were built to let cool air enter the palace.–

Q.222. Which of the following is the southernmost geographical unit of India?

Q.222. निम्नलिखित में से भारत की सुदूर दक्षिण भौगोलिक इकाई कौन-सी है ?

  • A). Lakshadweep
  • B). Rameshwar
  • C). Kanyakumari
  • D). Nicobar Islands
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Answer:- D). Nicobar Islands

–Although you haven’t listed any other options, the Nicobar Islands are likely to be India’s southernmost geographical unit based on the situation. These islands are the southernmost area of India. They are in the southeastern region of the Bay of Bengal. Indira Point is the southernmost point of the Nicobar Islands; यह भी India’s southernmost point is.–

Q.223. Which Indian state is known as the “Land of the Sun”?

Q.223. भारत के किस राज्य को “सूर्य की भूमि” के नाम से जाना जाता है?

  • A). Rajasthan
  • B). Gujarat
  • C). Madhya Pradesh
  • D). Maharashtra
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Answer:- A). Rajasthan

–Rajasthan is actually India’s state that is often called the “Land of the Sun”. Rajasthan, famous for its desert scenery and dry climate, is known as the “Land of the Sun”. Intense heat and abundant sunshine are often associated with this country”.–

Q.224. What is the southern part of India?

Q.224. भारत का दक्षिणी भाग क्या है?

  • A). Indira Bindu
  • B). Cape Comorin
  • C). Calimere point
  • D). None of these
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Answer:- B). Cape Comorin

–Many people call Cape Comorin or Kanyakumari the southernmost point of mainland India. It is in Tamil Nadu, where the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Bay of Bengal meet. The Vivekananda Rock Memorial, which is a tribute to the philosopher Swami Vivekananda, as well as its beautiful landscapes make this area famous.–

Q.225. The famous Indian festival “Navratri” is dedicated to which deity?

Q.225. प्रसिद्ध भारतीय त्यौहार “नवरात्रि” किस देवता को समर्पित है?

  • A). Lord Shiva
  • B). Goddess Lakshmi
  • C). Goddess Durga
  • D). Lord Krishna
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Answer:- C). Goddess Durga

–In India, Navratri is a widely celebrated festival dedicated to the worship of Hindu goddess Durga. It lasts nine nights and is celebrated in different parts of India according to different rituals and customs. During Navratri, devotees worship various Durga forms on each of the nine days: Shailaputri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandamata, Katyayani, Kaalratri, Mahagauri, and Siddhidatri.–

Q.226. Which one of the following major Indian cities is located most towards the east?

Q.226. निम्नलिखित प्रमुख भारतीय नगरों में से कौन-सा एक सबसे अधिक पूर्व की और अवस्थित है ?

  • A). Lucknow
  • B). Bangalore
  • C). Bhopal
  • D). Hyderabad
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Answer:- A). Lucknow

–Most of Lucknow is eastward. Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh’s capital, is in the center of the Heritage Arc. It is home to remarkable monuments that show a fascinating mix of colonial, ancient, and Asian architecture.–

Q.227. Who was the first President of independent India?

Q.227. स्वतंत्र भारत के प्रथम राष्ट्रपति कौन थे?

  • A). Dr. Rajendra Prasad
  • B). Jawaharlal Nehru
  • C). Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
  • D). Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
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Answer:- A). Dr. Rajendra Prasad

–Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the first independent Indian president. He was President from January 26, 1950, when India’s Constitution was promulgated, until May 13, 1962. Dr. Prasad was a prominent leader in the Indian independence movement and, with his statesmanship and leadership, played a significant role in shaping the early years of the Republic of India.–

Q.228. How many states in India are covered by coastline?

Q.228. भारत में कितने राज्य तट रेखा से लगे हैं ?

  • A). 07 STATES
  • B). 08 STATES
  • C). 09 STATES
  • D).10 STATES
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Answer:- C). 09 STATES

–Nine States have coastlines in India. Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and West Bengal are the states. Puducherry, as well as the two union territories Daman and Diu, have a coastline.–

Q.229. Who composed the Indian national anthem “Jana Gana Mana”?

Q.229. भारतीय राष्ट्रगान “जन गण मन” की रचना किसने की?

  • A). Rabindranath Tagore
  • B). Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay
  • C). Sarojini Naidu
  • D). Subhas Chandra Bose
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Answer:- A). Rabindranath Tagore

–Rabindranath Tagore, the venerated poet, writer, and Nobel Prize winner, wrote the Indian national anthem “Jana Gana Mana।” On December 27, 1911, it was sung for the first time at the Calcutta Session of the Indian National Congress. On January 24, 1950, Tagore’s composition was chosen as the national anthem of India.–

Q.230. What is the coastal region of Sub Himalayan region in North India called?

Q.230. उत्तर भारत में उप हिमालय क्षेत्र के सहारे फैले समतल मैदान को क्या कहा जाता है ?

  • A). Terai
  • B). Khadar
  • C). Doon
  • D). Terai
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Answer:- A). Terai

–The term “Terai” refers to the North Indian coast of the Sub-Himalayan region. This region covers Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and West Bengal, as well as nearby countries like Nepal and Bhutan. The Terai is famous for its fertile pastures and abundant biodiversity.–

Q.231. The Indian state of Goa was liberated from Portuguese rule in which year?

Q.231. भारतीय राज्य गोवा किस वर्ष पुर्तगाली शासन से मुक्त हुआ था?

  • A). 1947
  • B). 1950
  • C). 1961
  • D). 1975
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Answer:- C). 1961

–On December 19, 1961, Goa, an Indian state, became independent from Portugal. This freedom came after Operation Vijay, a war by the Indian Army that annexed Goa, Daman, and Diu to the Indian Union.–

Q.232. Which mountain is situated on the border of India?

Q.232. भारत की उतरी सीमा पर स्थित पर्वत है ?

  • A). Maikal
  • B). Himalaya
  • C). Nilgiri
  • D). Aravali
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Answer:- B). Himalaya

–Mount Kanchenjunga is a mountain on the border of India. It is the world’s third highest mountain and sits on the border between Sikkim, India, and Nepal. Kanchenjunga is loved by locals and trekkers for its stunning beauty and cultural significance.–

Q.233. The famous Indian monument “Red Fort” is located in which city?

Q.233. प्रसिद्ध भारतीय स्मारक “लाल किला” किस शहर में स्थित है?

  • A). Delhi
  • B). Agra
  • C). Jaipur
  • D). Kolkata
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Answer:- A). Delhi

–Delhi, India, is home to the famous Indian monument “Red Fort,” which is also called Lal Qila in Hindi. It was built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in the 17th century, and for nearly 200 years, it was the main residence of the Mughal emperors. India’s rich history and architectural heritage are emblematic of the Red Fort.–

Q.234. The boundaries of which state of India belong to Nepal, Bhutan and China respectively?

Q.234. भारत के किस प्रदेश की सीमाएँ तीन देशों क्रमशः नेपाल, भूटान एवं चीन से मिलती है ?

  • A). Meghalaya
  • B). Arunachal Pradesh
  • C). West Bengal
  • D). Sikkim
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Answer:- D). Sikkim

–Sikkim, a Indian state, borders Bhutan to the east, Nepal to the west, and China (Tibet Autonomous Region) to the north. Sikkim, located in the northeastern region of India, is famous for its stunning scenery, which includes the majestic Himalayan mountains.–

Q.235. The famous Indian festival “Holi” is also known as the Festival of?

Q.235. प्रसिद्ध भारतीय त्यौहार “होली” को…के त्यौहार के रूप में भी जाना जाता है?

  • A). Lights
  • B). Colors
  • C). Flowers
  • D). Harvest
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Answer:- B). Colors

–Holi, which is also known as the Festival of Colors, is a vibrant Indian festival that marks the arrival of spring and is celebrated with great joy all over India. People come together during this festival to play with colors, eat delicious food, and share joy and happiness with each other.–

Q.236. Which is the highest mountain peak of India?

Q.236. भारत का सर्वोच्च पर्वत शिखर है ?

  • A). Kanchenjunga
  • B). Nanda Devi
  • C). Godwin Austin
  • D). Nanga Parbat
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Answer:-A). Kanchenjunga

–Kangchenjunga is India’s highest mountain. It is at an elevation of 8,586 meters (28,169 feet) above sea level in Sikkim, India, on the border between India and Nepal. Kangchenjunga, the third highest mountain in the world, is loved by climbers and locals for its amazing beauty and cultural significance.–

Q.237. Who is known as the “Father of the Indian Space Program”?

Q.237. “भारतीय अंतरिक्ष कार्यक्रम के जनक” के रूप में किसे जाना जाता है?

  • A). Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
  • B). Vikram Sarabhai
  • C). Homi J. Bhabha
  • D). Satish Dhawan
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Answer:- B). Vikram Sarabhai

–Dr. Vikram Sarabhai is known as the “Father of the Indian Space Program”. He was a famous scientist and visionary who helped found the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) in 1969. India’s space exploration and technology achievements stem from Dr. Sarabhai’s pioneering work.–

Q.238. Which mountain range of India is the newest?

Q.238. भारत की कौन-सी पर्वत श्रेणी नवीनतम है ?

A). Himalaya
B). Sahyadri
C). Aravali
D). Satpura

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Answer:-A). Himalaya

–Himalayas are India’s youngest mountain range. Due to the ongoing collision between the Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate, they are still actively rising. The Himalayan mountain range has gradually risen as a result of this collision, making it the youngest and tallest mountain range in the world.–

Q.239. Which mountain range of India is the newest?

Q.239. भारत की कौन-सी पर्वत श्रेणी नवीनतम है ?

  • A) Himalaya
  • B) Sahyadri
  • C) Aravali
  • D) Satpura
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Answer:- A) Himalaya

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Q.240. Which of the following mountain ranges in India is photographed only in one state?

Q.240. भारत में निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सी पर्वत श्रेणी केवल एक राज्य में फैली हुई है ?

  • A) Aravali
  • B) Ajanta
  • C) Satpura
  • D) None of these
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Answer:- B) Ajanta

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GK Modi is The Founder And Author of or, He is a Professional Web Developer, Designer And Blogger. E- Mail:

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