Uttarakhand GK Question Answer in English: GK Question Of Uttarakhand

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How does UCC affect Muslims? ucc

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Uttarakhand gk question answer in english with answers: Uttarakhand Uniform Civil Code (UCC) Bill, 2024

Uniform Civil Code of Uttarakhand Act, 2024

How does UCC affect Muslims?

The Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in Uttarakhand affects Muslims by replacing personal laws based on Sharia with a common civil law for all citizens. Key impacts include:

  1. Marriage and Divorce – Practices such as triple talaq and polygamy are prohibited. Muslim marriages must follow the same legal framework as other communities.
  2. Inheritance – Equal inheritance rights for sons and daughters, overriding Islamic inheritance laws that typically grant sons a larger share.
  3. Adoption – Muslims can now legally adopt children, unlike under Muslim personal law, which only allowed guardianship.
  4. Live-in Relationships – Mandatory registration of live-in relationships applies to all, including Muslims.
  5. Religious ExemptionsScheduled Tribes are exempt, but Muslims are not.

While the UCC standardizes civil laws, it removes religion-based distinctions, ensuring gender equality and uniformity in legal rights.

Q. Under the UCC, Uttarakhand, 2025, what is the minimum legal age for marriage?

Q. यूसीसी, उत्तराखंड, 2025 के तहत, शादी के लिए न्यूनतम कानूनी उम्र क्या है?

  1. A) 18 years for both
  2. B) 18 years for females, 21 years for males
  3. C) 21 years for both
  4. D) No age restriction
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Answer:- B) 18 years for females, 21 years for males

— Under the UCC Uttarakhand, 2025, the minimum legal age for marriage is: 21 years for men 18 years for women This aligns with the national legal age for marriage in India and applies uniformly to all citizens, regardless of religion or personal laws.–

Q. What is the mandatory requirement for live-in relationships under the UCC?

Q. यूसीसी के तहत लिव-इन रिलेशनशिप के लिए अनिवार्य आवश्यकता क्या है?

  • A) No requirement
  • B) Must be registered with authorities
  • C) Needs approval from parents
  • D) Must be notarized
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Answer:- B) Must be registered with authorities

— under the UCC Uttarakhand, 2025, live-in relationships must be registered with the authorities. Failure to do so may result in penalties, ensuring legal recognition and protection for both partners, particularly regarding inheritance, maintenance, and rights in case of separation..–

Q. What is the penalty for non-registration of a live-in relationship?

Q. लिव-इन रिलेशनशिप का पंजीकरण न कराने पर क्या जुर्माना है?

  • A) Rs. 5,000 fine
  • B) Rs. 25,000 fine and/or six months imprisonment
  • C) Rs. 20,000 fine
  • D) No penalty
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Answer:- B) Rs. 25,000 fine and/or six months imprisonment

— Under the UCC Uttarakhand, 2025, the penalty for non-registration of a live-in relationship includes a fine of up to ₹25,000 and possible legal consequences. This provision aims to ensure accountability, legal recognition, and protection for individuals in live-in relationships..–

Q. Under UCC, which of the following is a ground for divorce?

Q. यूसीसी के तहत, निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा तलाक का आधार है?

  • A) Adultery
  • B) Desertion for two years
  • C) Cruelty
  • D) All of the above
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Answer:- D) All of the above

— Under the UCC Uttarakhand, 2025, valid grounds for divorce include adultery, cruelty, desertion, mental illness, irretrievable breakdown of marriage, and conversion of religion. These provisions ensure a uniform and just legal framework for marriage dissolution across all communities in Uttarakhand..–

Q. Who has the authority to register marriages under the UCC?

Q. यूसीसी के तहत विवाह पंजीकृत करने का अधिकार किसके पास है?

  • A) Gram Panchayat
  • B) District Magistrate
  • C) Marriage Registrar
  • D) Court Judge
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Answer:- C) Marriage Registrar

— Under the UCC Uttarakhand, 2025, the Marriage Registrar has the authority to register marriages. This official is responsible for ensuring compliance with the law, verifying required documents, and maintaining marriage records within the jurisdiction. –

Q. According to the UCC, daughters have equal inheritance rights as sons.

Q. यूसीसी के अनुसार, बेटियों को बेटों के समान विरासत का अधिकार है।

  • A) True
  • B) False
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Answer:- A) True

— Yes, under the UCC Uttarakhand, 2025, daughters have equal inheritance rights as sons. This provision ensures gender equality in property inheritance, granting daughters the same legal entitlement to ancestral and self-acquired property as male heirs. –

Q. What happens if a person dies intestate (without a will) under the UCC?

Q. यदि यूसीसी के तहत कोई व्यक्ति बिना वसीयत के (बिना वसीयत के) मर जाता है तो क्या होगा?

  • A) Entire property goes to sons
  • B) Property is divided equally among heirs
  • C) Government claims the property
  • D) Religious laws determine succession
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Answer:- B) Property is divided equally among heirs

— If a person dies intestate (without a will) under the UCC Uttarakhand, 2025, their property is equally divided among all legal heirs, ensuring fairness and gender equality in inheritance rights. This includes sons, daughters, spouse, and other eligible family members as per the law. –

Q. Who has the first right to inherit in case of intestacy under UCC?

Q. यूसीसी के तहत निर्वसीयत के मामले में विरासत का पहला अधिकार किसके पास है?

  • A) Spouse and children
  • B) Parents
  • C) Siblings
  • D) Government
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Answer:- A) Spouse and children

— Under the UCC Uttarakhand, 2025, in case of intestacy (dying without a will), the first right to inherit belongs to the spouse and children of the deceased. If there are no surviving spouse or children, the inheritance passes to parents, followed by other legal heirs as per the succession rules. –

Q. Under the UCC, can adopted children inherit property?

Q. यूसीसी के तहत, क्या गोद लिए गए बच्चों को संपत्ति विरासत में मिल सकती है?

  • A) Yes, with equal rights as biological children
  • B) No, they have no inheritance rights
  • C) Only if the will allows it
  • D) Only if they are under 18
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Answer:- A) Yes, with equal rights as biological children

— Yes, under the UCC Uttarakhand, 2025, adopted children have the same inheritance rights as biological children. They are legally recognized as equal heirs and can inherit property from their adoptive parents just like natural-born children. –

Q. Can a person legally disinherit their children under UCC?

Q. क्या कोई व्यक्ति यूसीसी के तहत कानूनी तौर पर अपने बच्चों को विरासत से बेदखल कर सकता है?

  • A) Yes, by writing a will
  • B) No, children always have a share
  • C) Only if the child commits a crime
  • D) Only with court approval
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Answer:- A) Yes, by writing a will

— Under the UCC Uttarakhand, 2025, a person can legally disinherit their children through a valid will, specifying the exclusion of inheritance. However, in the absence of a will (intestate succession), children have an equal right to inherit the property as per the provisions of the Code. –

Q. Under UCC, what is the minimum age for a person to adopt a child?

Q. यूसीसी के तहत, किसी व्यक्ति के लिए बच्चा गोद लेने की न्यूनतम आयु क्या है?

  • A) 18 years
  • B) 21 years
  • C) 25 years
  • D) No age limit
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Answer:-C) 25 years

— Under the UCC Uttarakhand, 2025, the minimum age for a person to legally adopt a child is 25 years. Additionally, the adoptive parent must be at least 21 years older than the child they intend to adopt. –

Q. Can a single parent adopt a child under UCC?

Q. क्या एकल माता-पिता यूसीसी के तहत बच्चे को गोद ले सकते हैं?

  • A) Yes
  • B) No
  • C) Only if they are financially stable
  • D) Only if the child is below 5 years
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Answer:- A) Yes

–Yes, under the UCC Uttarakhand, 2025, a single parent can legally adopt a child, provided they meet the minimum age requirement of 25 years and fulfill other eligibility criteria set by the law. –

Q. Under UCC, what is the maximum number of children a person can adopt?

Q. यूसीसी के तहत एक व्यक्ति अधिकतम कितने बच्चों को गोद ले सकता है?

  • A) 1
  • B) 2
  • C) 3
  • D) No specific limit
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Answer:- B) 2

–Under the UCC Uttarakhand, 2025, a person can adopt a maximum of two children, ensuring responsible adoption practices. This limit applies to both single and married individuals. The provision aims to balance child welfare and parental responsibilities, promoting a structured approach to adoption while safeguarding children’s rights and well-being. –

Q. Are adoptive parents allowed to discriminate between biological and adopted children?

Q. क्या दत्तक माता-पिता को जैविक और गोद लिए गए बच्चों के बीच भेदभाव करने की अनुमति है?

  • A) Yes
  • B) No
  • C) Only in terms of inheritance
  • D) Only if the child is adopted after 10 years
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Answer:- B) No

— No, under the UCC Uttarakhand, 2025, adoptive parents are not allowed to discriminate between biological and adopted children. Both have equal rights in matters of inheritance, maintenance, and familial responsibilities. This provision ensures fairness, safeguards children’s rights, and promotes equality within the family structure, preventing any bias or preferential treatment. –

Q. Who is exempted from the Uniform Civil Code in Uttarakhand?

Q. उत्तराखंड में समान नागरिक संहिता से किसे छूट है?

  • A) All citizens must follow it
  • B) Scheduled Tribes (STs)
  • C) Religious minorities
  • D) Foreign residents
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Answer:- B) Scheduled Tribes (STs)

— Under the UCC Uttarakhand, 2025, Scheduled Tribes (STs) are exempted from its applicability. This exemption is provided under Section 2 of the UCC Rules, 2025, recognizing the unique cultural and traditional practices of tribal communities. Therefore, personal laws governing marriage, inheritance, and adoption among Scheduled Tribes remain unaffected by the UCC.. –

Q. Which government body is responsible for overseeing the implementation of UCC in Uttarakhand?

Q. उत्तराखंड में यूसीसी के कार्यान्वयन की देखरेख के लिए कौन सा सरकारी निकाय जिम्मेदार है?

  • A) Supreme Court of India
  • B) Uttarakhand High Court
  • C) State UCC Committee
  • D) Law Ministry
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Answer:- B) Scheduled Tribes (STs)

— The Department of Law and Justice, Government of Uttarakhand, is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in Uttarakhand. It ensures compliance, monitors enforcement, and addresses legal challenges related to the UCC. Additionally, district-level Sub-Registrars and Judiciary play a role in its execution and dispute resolution.. –

Q. Which section of the UCC Rules specifies penalties for non-compliance?

Q. यूसीसी नियमों का कौन सा खंड अनुपालन न करने पर दंड निर्दिष्ट करता है?

  • A) Section 2
  • B) Section 5
  • C) Section 10
  • D) Section 17
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Answer:- D) Section 17

— Under the Uttarakhand Uniform Civil Code (UCC) Rules, 2025, Section 17 specifies penalties for non-compliance. This section outlines fines and punishments for failing to adhere to mandatory requirements, such as marriage registration and submission of necessary documents. The penalties aim to enforce compliance and uphold the integrity of the legal framework established by the UCC. –

Q. What is the role of the Registrar General under UCC?

Q. यूसीसी के तहत रजिस्ट्रार जनरल की क्या भूमिका है?

  • A) Sole authority for marriage registrations
  • B) Maintains records of all civil registrations
  • C) Enforces inheritance laws
  • D) Approves adoption applications
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Answer:- B) Maintains records of all civil registrations

— Under the Uttarakhand Uniform Civil Code (UCC) Rules, 2025, the Registrar General is responsible for overseeing marriage and live-in relationship registrations, ensuring compliance with inheritance and adoption laws, handling appeals against registration rejections, imposing penalties for non-compliance, maintaining records, and supervising the functioning of registrars across the state. –

Q. Does UCC allow polygamy or multiple marriages?

Q. क्या यूसीसी बहुविवाह या एकाधिक विवाह की अनुमति देता है?

  • A) Yes
  • B) No
  • C) Only for certain communities
  • D) Only if the first wife agrees
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Answer:- B) No

— No, the Uttarakhand Uniform Civil Code (UCC) Rules, 2025 prohibit polygamy and multiple marriages for all individuals, ensuring uniformity in marriage laws across communities. Any violation of this provision may result in legal consequences, including penalties and invalidation of subsequent marriages under the law. –

Q. What is the purpose of implementing UCC in Uttarakhand?

Q. उत्तराखंड में UCC लागू करने का उद्देश्य क्या है?

  • A) To unify all personal laws under a common legal framework
  • B) To promote religious harmony
  • C) To remove gender discrimination in laws
  • D) All of the above
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Answer:- D) All of the above

— The purpose of implementing the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in Uttarakhand is to ensure uniformity in personal laws related to marriage, divorce, inheritance, adoption, and maintenance for all citizens, regardless of religion. It aims to promote gender equality, simplify legal processes, and uphold constitutional values of justice and equality. –

Q. Under the UCC, Uttarakhand, 2025, what is the legal age for marriage?

Q. यूसीसी, उत्तराखंड, 2025 के तहत शादी की कानूनी उम्र क्या है?

  • A) 18 years for both
  • B) 18 years for females, 21 years for males
  • C) 21 years for both
  • D) No age restriction
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Answer:- B) 18 years for females, 21 years for males

— Under the UCC Uttarakhand, 2025, the legal age for marriage is 21 years for men and 18 years for women. This ensures uniformity across all communities and aligns with national laws, promoting gender equality and preventing child marriages. –

Q. Which of the following is a mandatory requirement for live-in relationships under UCC?

Q. यूसीसी के तहत लिव-इन रिलेशनशिप के लिए निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी अनिवार्य आवश्यकता है?

  • A) Registration with authorities
  • B) Parental approval
  • C) Written contract
  • D) No requirement
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Answer:- A) Registration with authorities

— Under the UCC Uttarakhand, 2025, registration of live-in relationships with the authorities is a mandatory requirement. Couples must submit a formal application to the Registrar within a specified timeframe to ensure legal recognition and protection of rights. Failure to register may result in penalties and lack of legal safeguards. –

Q. What is the penalty for non-registration of a live-in relationship?

Q. लिव-इन रिलेशनशिप का पंजीकरण न कराने पर क्या जुर्माना है?

  • A) Rs. 5,000 fine
  • B) Rs. 10,000 fine and/or six months imprisonment
  • C) Rs. 20,000 fine
  • D) No penalty
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    Answer:- B) Rs. 10,000 fine and/or six months imprisonment

    — In India, there is no national penalty for not registering a live-in relationship. However, Uttarakhand’s Uniform Civil Code (2025) mandates registration within 30 days of cohabitation. Failure to comply may result in up to three months’ imprisonment, a ₹10,000 fine, or both. Other states currently have no such penalties. –

    Q. Which of the following is NOT a valid ground for divorce under UCC?

    Q. निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा यूसीसी के तहत तलाक के लिए वैध आधार नहीं है?

    • A) Adultery
    • B) Mutual consent
    • C) Religious conversion
    • D) Different food habits
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      Answer:- D) Different food habits

      — Under Uttarakhand’s Uniform Civil Code (UCC) 2024, valid grounds for divorce include adultery, cruelty, desertion (over two years), religious conversion, a spouse having multiple partners, and unnatural sex. Any reason outside these specified grounds, such as personal disagreements or lifestyle differences, is NOT a valid ground for divorce. –

      Q. Who is responsible for registering marriages under the UCC?

      Q. यूसीसी के तहत विवाह पंजीकरण के लिए कौन जिम्मेदार है?

      • A) Gram Panchayat
      • B) Marriage Registrar
      • C) Religious authorities
      • D) Family Court
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        Answer:- B) Marriage Registrar

        — Under Uttarakhand’s Uniform Civil Code (UCC) 2025, Sub-Registrars are responsible for registering marriages. In urban areas, this is the municipal Executive Officer or Secretary; in rural areas, the Block Development Officer (BDO); and in cantonment areas, the Resident Medical Officer or a designated officer from the Cantonment Board handles registration duties. –

        Q. Under the UCC, inheritance rights for sons and daughters are:

        Q. यूसीसी के तहत, बेटों और बेटियों के लिए विरासत के अधिकार हैं:

        • A) Equal
        • B) Sons get more
        • C) Daughters get more
        • D) Based on religious laws
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          Answer:- A) Equal

          — Under Uttarakhand’s Uniform Civil Code (UCC) 2025, sons and daughters have equal inheritance rights. Both inherit an equal share of their parents’ property, whether ancestral or self-acquired. Class-I heirs (sons, daughters, widows, parents) receive priority, while Class-II heirs inherit if no Class-I heirs exist. Scheduled Tribes are exempt from these provisions. –

          Q. If a person dies without a will, their property is:

          Q. यदि कोई व्यक्ति बिना वसीयत के मर जाता है, तो उसकी संपत्ति है:

          • A) Distributed equally among legal heirs
          • B) Given to the government
          • C) Inherited only by the eldest son
          • D) Given to charity
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            Answer:- A) Distributed equally among legal heirs

            — Under Uttarakhand’s Uniform Civil Code (UCC) 2025, if a person dies without a will (intestate), their property is distributed equally among Class-I heirs—including the spouse, sons, daughters, and parents. If no Class-I heirs exist, the property passes to Class-II heirs, which include siblings, grandparents, and other relatives. –

            Q. Under the UCC, who gets the first right to inherit in case of intestacy (no will)?

            Q. यूसीसी के तहत, निर्वसीयत न होने (वसीयत न होने) की स्थिति में विरासत का पहला अधिकार किसे मिलता है?

            • A) Spouse and children
            • B) Parents
            • C) Siblings
            • D) Distant relatives
              (Show Answer)

              Answer:- A) Spouse and children

              — Under Uttarakhand’s Uniform Civil Code (UCC) 2025, Class-I heirs have the first right to inherit if a person dies without a will (intestate). Class-I heirs include the spouse, sons, daughters, and parents, who share the property equally. If no Class-I heirs exist, the property is passed to Class-II heirs (siblings, grandparents, etc.). –

              Q. Can adopted children inherit property under UCC?

              Q. क्या गोद लिए गए बच्चों को यूसीसी के तहत संपत्ति विरासत में मिल सकती है?

              • A) No
              • B) Yes, with equal rights as biological children
              • C) Only if there is a will
              • D) Only if they are below 18 years
                (Show Answer)

                Answer:- B) Yes, with equal rights as biological children

                — Yes, under Uttarakhand’s Uniform Civil Code (UCC) 2025, adopted children have equal inheritance rights as biological children. They are included as Class-I heirs, giving them the same share of their adoptive parents’ property—whether ancestral or self-acquired. This provision ensures gender equality and legal parity between adopted and biological children in inheritance matters.. –

                Q. Can a person legally disinherit their child under UCC?

                Q. क्या कोई व्यक्ति यूसीसी के तहत कानूनी तौर पर अपने बच्चे को विरासत से बेदखल कर सकता है?

                • A) Yes, through a will
                • B) No, children always have a share
                • C) Only if the child commits a crime
                • D) Only with court permission
                  (Show Answer)

                  Answer:- B) Yes, with equal rights as biological children

                  –Yes, under Uttarakhand’s Uniform Civil Code (UCC) 2025, adopted children have equal inheritance rights as biological children. They are included as Class-I heirs, giving them the same share of their adoptive parents’ property—whether ancestral or self-acquired. This provision ensures gender equality and legal parity between adopted and biological children in inheritance matters. –

                  Q. What is the minimum age for a person to adopt a child under UCC?

                  Q. यूसीसी के तहत बच्चे को गोद लेने के लिए किसी व्यक्ति की न्यूनतम आयु क्या है?

                  • A) 18 years
                  • B) 21 years
                  • C) 25 years
                  • D) No minimum age
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                    Answer:- C) 25 years

                    –Under Uttarakhand’s Uniform Civil Code (UCC) 2025, the minimum age for marriage is set at 21 years for men and 18 years for women. However, the UCC does not explicitly specify a minimum age for adopting a child. In the absence of specific provisions within the UCC regarding adoption age, the existing national laws under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 (JJ Act) continue to apply. –

                    Q. Can a single parent adopt a child under UCC?

                    Q. क्या एकल माता-पिता यूसीसी के तहत बच्चे को गोद ले सकते हैं?

                    • A) Yes
                    • B) No
                    • C) Only if they are financially stable
                    • D) Only if the child is below 5 years
                      (Show Answer)

                      Answer:- A) Yes

                      –Yes, under Uttarakhand’s Uniform Civil Code (UCC) 2025, a single parent can adopt a child. The adoption process follows the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015, which allows single women to adopt a child of any gender, while single men can adopt only male children. The parent must be physically, mentally, and financially stable. –

                      Q. What is the maximum number of children a person can adopt under UCC?

                      Q. यूसीसी के तहत एक व्यक्ति अधिकतम कितने बच्चों को गोद ले सकता है?

                      • A) 1
                      • B) 2
                      • C) 3
                      • D) No specific limit
                        (Show Answer)

                        Answer:- B) 2

                        –Yes, Under Uttarakhand’s Uniform Civil Code (UCC) 2025, there is no specific limit on how many children a person can adopt. However, as per the Adoption Regulations, 2022, individuals with more than two children cannot adopt a normal child, though adoption of special needs children may still be permitted, ensuring the child’s best interests are prioritized. –

                        Q. Are adoptive parents allowed to discriminate between biological and adopted children?

                        Q. क्या दत्तक माता-पिता को जैविक और गोद लिए गए बच्चों के बीच भेदभाव करने की अनुमति है?

                        • A) Yes
                        • B) No
                        • C) Only in inheritance matters
                        • D) Only if adoption happened after age 10
                          (Show Answer)

                          Answer:- B) No

                          — No, under Uttarakhand’s Uniform Civil Code (UCC) 2025, adoptive parents are not allowed to discriminate between biological and adopted children. Both are given equal rights in matters of inheritance and family status. The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 also mandates equal treatment to protect the welfare and rights of adopted children. –

                          Q. Which group is exempted from the Uniform Civil Code in Uttarakhand?

                          Q. उत्तराखंड में किस समूह को समान नागरिक संहिता से छूट प्राप्त है?

                          • A) All citizens must follow it
                          • B) Scheduled Tribes (STs)
                          • C) Religious minorities
                          • D) Foreign residents
                            (Show Answer)

                            Answer:- B) Scheduled Tribes (STs)

                            — Under Uttarakhand’s Uniform Civil Code (UCC) 2025, Scheduled Tribes are exempted from its provisions. This allows them to continue following their customary laws in matters like marriage, inheritance, and adoption. The exemption recognizes and preserves the unique cultural practices of these communities while the UCC applies uniformly to other religious and social groups in the state.. –

                            Q. Which government body oversees UCC implementation in Uttarakhand?

                            Q. कौन सी सरकारी संस्था उत्तराखंड में यूसीसी कार्यान्वयन की देखरेख करती है?

                            • A) Supreme Court of India
                            • B) Uttarakhand High Court
                            • C) State UCC Committee
                            • D) Law Ministry
                              (Show Answer)

                              Answer:- C) State UCC Committee

                              — The implementation of the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in Uttarakhand is overseen by the state government, led by Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami. The Chief Minister has been instrumental in launching the UCC portal and issuing notifications for its adoption. Additionally, the state government has established expert committees to draft and implement the UCC, ensuring comprehensive oversight of its execution. –

                              Q. Which section of the UCC specifies penalties for non-compliance?

                              Q. यूसीसी की कौन सी धारा अनुपालन न करने पर दंड निर्दिष्ट करती है?

                              • A) Section 2
                              • B) Section 5
                              • C) Section 10
                              • D) Section 15
                                (Show Answer)

                                Answer:-D) Section 15

                                — Under Uttarakhand’s Uniform Civil Code (UCC) 2025, Section 15 permits public inspection of marriage and divorce registers. It states that these registers “shall, at all reasonable times, be open for inspection by any other person,” ensuring transparency in marital records. –

                                Q. What is the role of the Registrar General under UCC?

                                Q. यूसीसी के तहत रजिस्ट्रार जनरल की क्या भूमिका है?

                                • A) Sole authority for marriage registrations
                                • B) Maintains records of all civil registrations
                                • C) Enforces inheritance laws
                                • D) Approves adoption applications
                                  (Show Answer)

                                  Answer:- B) Maintains records of all civil registrations

                                  — Under Uttarakhand’s Uniform Civil Code (UCC) 2025, the Registrar General oversees the implementation of the Code. Appointed by the State Government, their duties include supervising Registrars, handling appeals against registration decisions, conducting inquiries into delays, and ensuring compliance with the UCC. They resolve appeals within 60 days and enforce regulations effectively across the state. –

                                  Q. Does UCC allow polygamy or multiple marriages?

                                  Q. क्या यूसीसी बहुविवाह या एकाधिक विवाह की अनुमति देता है?

                                  • A) Yes
                                  • B) No
                                  • C) Only for certain communities
                                  • D) Only if the first wife agrees
                                    (Show Answer)

                                    Answer:- B) No

                                    — No, Uttarakhand’s Uniform Civil Code (UCC) 2025 strictly prohibits polygamy or multiple marriages for all citizens, regardless of their religion. The law mandates monogamy, meaning a person can only have one spouse at a time. Violation of this provision can lead to legal penalties, including imprisonment and fines, ensuring uniform marriage practices across the state.. –

                                    Q. What is the main purpose of implementing UCC in Uttarakhand?

                                    Q. उत्तराखंड में UCC लागू करने का मुख्य उद्देश्य क्या है?

                                    • A) To unify all personal laws under a common legal framework
                                    • B) To promote religious harmony
                                    • C) To remove gender discrimination in laws
                                    • D) All of the above
                                      (Show Answer)

                                      Answer:- D) All of the above

                                      — The main purpose of implementing Uttarakhand’s Uniform Civil Code (UCC) 2025 is to ensure legal uniformity by applying common personal laws to all citizens, regardless of religion. It aims to promote gender equality, protect individual rights, simplify legal procedures, and eliminate discriminatory practices in matters like marriage, divorce, inheritance, and adoption across the state. –

                                      GK Modi is The Founder And Author of GKModi.com or Studypoint.co.in, He is a Professional Web Developer, Designer And Blogger. E- Mail: parvin.kumar92@gmail.com

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